A couple of questions...

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A couple of questions...

Post by kjbar »

Hi everyone,
I'm a U.S. certified elementary teacher (I know, I know, we're a dime a dozen) working on applications to international schools. I've registered with TIE and UNI--with my location and current job, I'm unable to attend a Search fair. I have a couple of questions.
1) I've noticed a lot of schools' sites referring to airfare to and from "home of record" as a benefit. I'm curious how a home of record is designated. I am single and teach in a state half the country away from my family. If I were hired to teach internationally, I would take my belongings to the city where my family lives to be stored there. I would prefer that city to be the city that a school would have me fly to/from. Should I be listing my parents' address in that city on my applications and resume, even though I don't live there or is the home of record designation done later on?

2) I'm in my sixth year of teaching at the same school. I'll have strong references. I have experience with a few different elementary curriculums in reading, math, etc. My school is a Professional Learning Community and uses standards-based grading. I have experience creating common assessments. We are technology-focused and I've had many hours of PD in that area. My school has about 1/3 of students receiving English Language Learner services and I'm currently involved in my districts professional development academy in regards to teaching ELL students. I'm a member of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports team at my school and was involved in the implementation. I've mentored a first-year teacher.

I know that since I'm seeking my first international job that I should be open to lots of different locations, and I am. I'm wondering if there's anyone who could give me some idea as to my chances of being hired or if there are any certain regions in which someone with my experience could get a job. I plan to apply to schools directly, in addition to my UNI fair credential file.
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Re: A couple of questions...

Post by rudolph »

You should designate the city you are most likely to return to as your home of record - school admin. will understand if that is where your family lives and not where you are at the moment. Also, it took me a while to figure out that I didn't always need to designate a major airport closest to my home of record. In fact, my home is several hours and hundreds of miles away from a major airport, but there is a regional airport close by, which I've designated the past two postings without issue, and it sure is nice to have airfare all the way there.
Your qualifications make you a good candidate for most schools overseas. The qualifications you list are ones valued by all schools I know of. If you are attending the UNI fair, I predict offers for you. If you aren't attending a fair, it might take longer to get noticed, but you still have a strong chance. I can't imagine why you would have to limit yourself to a particular region, although sometimes schools in hardship areas prefer candidates who they know have experience adjusting to a tough post. Some schools do state a requirement for candidates with international experience, but they aren't necessarily grouped according to region in the world, and even then they will often consider candidates who meet their needs even without that experience.
Make sure you have a Skype account and Good luck.
Posts: 24
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Re: A couple of questions...

Post by kjbar »

Thanks for your reply. I want to make sure I understand you correctly: the home of record is something that is designated later on in the process, after an offer has been made and travel arrangements are being set? Thanks for the tidbit about regional airports; that's good to know!

Also, thanks for your encouraging words. I do plan to attend the UNI fair, so hopefully your prediction is correct.
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Re: A couple of questions...

Post by sid »

Home of record is usually set during the offer/acceptance phase. Schools are usually pretty flexible about it at that point; any reasonable reason is accepted for picking a certain place. But choose carefully. Once set, it can be impossible to change, until you move to a new school.
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Re: A couple of questions...

Post by kjbar »

Thanks, sid.
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Re: A couple of questions...

Post by shadowjack »

You also want to be careful with your home of record because often international schools will only pay for the ticket (or cash in lieu) of the nearest INTERNATIONAL airport.

There is a distinction. So if your home is in Northern Mississippi, for instance, and you list Oxford as your home of record, don't assume you will automatically get a flight paid to Oxford. It might only get you to Memphis, and you are on your own dime from there.
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Re: A couple of questions...

Post by kjbar »

Thanks for the tip. The city where my parents live has an international airport, so I think it'll work out. I appreciate all the replies. I just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing by using my current address while I'm applying and not shooting myself in the foot later on if I'm offered a job with airfare as a benefit.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Home of Record means whatever the IS says it means. You can designate any locations you want, with the understanding that doing so prior to arrival or at contract acceptance is FAR better and preferred to doing it later. Many ISS will not let you change it later or may require a very persuasive reason for doing so.
You dont need to list any address you dont want too, just be open and upfront about your travel requirements and do so by email so you have a record. Many ITs have HORs that are different then the location they are recruited from.
Be aware that in addition to the previous contributors regarding international airports and other such limitations. Your shipping may only be to specific designated locations/ports. It is preferred if you can get the shipping benefit as a reimbursable allowance.

You dont have experience in different curriculum you have experience in different programs. From an IS perspective your experience is with an American curriculum. Every IS uses "standards" based grading, they just get really vague on how they define standards sometimes. PLCs are just popular right now, lots of ISs will talk about them, but many ISs have small departments and many ITs dont collaborate much. Everyone has experience in creating common assessments. Again, its PopEd right now. Every IS states they are technology focused. Its how they sell it to parents, but it means VASTLY different things. The ELL is nice, but the expectation is you can handle any student in your classroom. The vast majority of currently trained ITs have training and experience with various special populations.
Id avoid the Positive Behavior Intervention on your resume, it may indicate that your experience is only with at risk students or at risk schools. It doesnt add anything, all ITs are expected to be able to manage behavior issues in their classroom.

Your marketable, but you will be in a big room of other marketable primary ITs. Many ISs reserve primary vacancies for teaching couples, where one IT is in a high needs/demand area. Id focus on the hardship regions in Asia (China, etc.). You are likely not going to get much action on your applications until later in the year.

Below is the PsyGuy Applicant Scoring System, many of the accomplishments you listed just arent worth anything in IE.

PsyGuy Applicant Scoring System:
1) 1 pt / 2 years Experience (Max 10 Years)
2) 1 pt - Advance Degree (Masters)
3) 1 pt - Cross Certified (Must be schedule-able)
4) 1 pt - Curriculum Experience (IB, AP, IGCSE)
5) 1pt - Logistical Hire (Single +.5 pt, Couple +1 pt)
6) .5 pt - Previous International School Experience (standard 2 year contract)
7) .5 pt - Leadership Experience/Role (+.25 HOD, +.5 Coordinator)
8) .5 pt - Extra Curricular (Must be schedule-able)
9) .25 pt - Special Populations (Must be qualified)
10) .25 pt - Special Skill Set (Must be documentable AND marketable)

1) INTERN ITs have a score around 0
2) ENTRY ITs have a score around 2
3) CAREER ITs have a score around 4
4) PROFESSIONAL ITs have a score around 6
5) MASTER ITs have a score around 8
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