Teaching in Chinese Public Schools?

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Teaching in Chinese Public Schools?

Post by mp321 »

My wife is considering going back to work and is wondering if teaching in Chinese public schools would be compelling experience. There are schools that teach AP and A levels, so that might be the best? What about just regular schools? She has never taught in the US, but has taught subject courses in a private school. She doesn't think the school where she taught would be legitimate experience, but perhaps a public school would be? Thoughts?
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Re: Teaching in Chinese Public Schools?

Post by changeitup »

To the OP, I teach in an international division of one currently. Pros and cons, although overall it can be a very frustrating experience. I'd say that the students are actually quite good, from my experience. Motivated and outgoing, once you set the appropriate framework to get them that way. I really enjoy classroom time and there's a lot of academic freedom in terms of what I'm allowed to do in the classroom. There isn't much concrete direction, so if that's something that will be necessary, then your wife should avoid. Salary is ok. Cons are that management is inefficient and disorganized, constant schedule changes and not receiving important information until the last minute. Also, there is very little direction and lack of communication. My school is IB and provides IB training for teachers, so that was my main draw to the school. Not sure if it would be worth it otherwise.
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Re: Teaching in Chinese Public Schools?

Post by grdwdgrrrl »

I did this about 15 yrs ago. As a foreign teacher, I was the English conversation etc. teacher. I was mostly not used as an effective teacher but trotted out and shown off. I was referred to as "our foreign teacher" with pride. I met others like me around that time. I don't know if regular public schools have the same attitude toward their foreign teachers these days, I sure hope not. However, Ithey still have them and want them. The pay is probably much better now. I'd check out daveseslcafe.com for those kinds of jobs. Foreign teachers only teach English stuff. The previous poster is referring to a public school with an international program, that is different, that requires subject specialties.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I would be very weary of such an offer and experience, in many cases, recruiters in IE will simply view the experience as ESOL, and it wont be worth anything. Of course there are ISs that are international academies within a DS that have appropriate curriculum and are managed as western ISs, these ISs are typically third tier but they would add value to a resume.
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Re: Teaching in Chinese Public Schools?

Post by senator »

Why Oh Why would you want to do such a thing!?
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