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Post by Nomad68 »

Has anyone had any experiences with Interlead (Tony Burkin) - a consultant from NZ who works with school management to implement professional performance review/appraisal? He advocates journaling and personal ownership of your own performance review. Sounds good but at my school we feel its a compliance-heavy approach, rather passive-aggressively questioning our professionalism. I suppose it is down to how a school's management decide to interpret it but at my school we fear the worse.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Consultants really have it easy, they can pick up any pop-ed idea and package it into a service program (COIS verification is a great example).

The issue with their program is 1) Authenticity, 2) Outcomes 3) Management/Administrative Intentions.

If all the measurements (reflections) are self report, what is the motivation/incentive for an IT to deeply involve themselves in professional growth, you dont need a protocol or school wide implementation to do so. ITs that value this process will do so anyway, and those ITs that dont value the process will fake it to the point of being compliant. I can see it very easily becoming little more than a daily affirmation of "I am awesome".

What are the outcomes of these reflective assessments? As soon as incentives such as advancement, renewal, salary (any monetary compensation) or the avoidance of disciplinary actions are attached to the process its going to become a pile of indistinguishable self proclaimed praise with zero utility. At which point its cheaper and easier to do nothing and react to problems issues as they occur.

Is the intent of admin/management to force self criticism and "confessions" from staff in an effort to doom themselves. I can see the IT who writes consistently positive reflections and interrogating them until they acknowledge (confess) that they arent perfect, or tasks they would like to improve upon being twisted and used as evidence that they are not performing to their own self standard (and the schools), or that they are admitting to being incapable or unprofessional ITs. At that point your either unprofessional for not acknowledging growth potential and opportunities or your admitting your performance standards are below acceptable.
It would be easier to just have your staff sign their evaluations at the start of the term, and complete them as you see fit, nothing you determine will have any utility, except for justifying whatever employment actions you were going to do anyway.
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