Why Don't Schools Contact...

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Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by Climberman »

I have a question:

I am still listed as actively looking for an international job - 8 years overseas, IB HL and SL Math, Tok - and only 1 or 2 schools that are listed on Search as needing a math teacher have contacted me. I know, they don't seem like very good schools, but I was thinking that they would be contacting everyone they could this late in the year.

The reason I don't contact the schools is that, while listed as actively looking for a job, I am only 1% into it and am now leaving it all to pure chance.

This is mainly a "for informational purposes only" type of question.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by sciteach »

If you have a semi-helpful associate, ask them to have a look at your references and ask if they need to be updated.

This is basically a way of making sure your references are in your favor. It's a strange thing to say - but I've seen many good teachers not get a lot of love because of one disgruntled admin at their current or previous school....
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by chilagringa »

There could be some accidental red flag in your resume. I know that once upon a time when I was looking for work in my previous career, I wasn't getting any responses to job applications. I took my resume to a "resume expert" and she said that the way I was phrasing things might have been putting people off. I completely changed my resume and I got a call for the next job I applied to.

Surely with your level of experience and qualifications there must be something "up" somewhere.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by senator »

I assume that since you have 8 years in, you have mainly good references to have come that far. That is the thing about the international school world - the old boys club still is in effect. Even 1 poor or mediocre reference from the right person can kill your career, even if that reference is from a completely incompetent jackass.

Back here in the real world of teaching, the arena is so big that a bad rec doesn't matter. It also seems that most school admin here in the U.S. judge you on the entirety of your record - I have been fired from 2 different schools - one due to budget cuts and the other because I would not pass a student who cheated several times - but I always have another job because the majority of my references are excellent, as I am sure yours are, and admin here UNDERSTAND that sh_t happens to good teachers! Read that last line again.

From what I remember about some of your other posts, this is the second or third year you have not gotten an overseas job despite the fact that you are in the "in the most demand" field - IB HL math. Are you sure that you still want to put up with this B.S.? It seems, since you have admitted that you are not really trying now to find a job, that deep down you know that this system is dying, unless you are one of the few who are in the loop or are a dumb kid who will work for peanuts and move anywhere for even a lousy job.

Sometimes the best decisions we make are those that are forced upon us.

To the next posters: Just respond to Climberman's post and don't waste your time trying to rebut my reply. You won't change my view and I won't change yours about the IT world. Thanks.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Whats wrong with you??? Thats an impressive resume and not have anyone interested.

My first step would be as previous contributors have posted, there may be something in your profile, particularly a reference that is a problem or a red flag. Have you received otherwise positive responses when you apply for positions outside of SA? If so it would strongly indicate an issue with your profile on SA.

Recruiters/admins dont "chase" after candidates. There are a few reasons for this:

1) They dont have the time to dedicate hours going through profiles and sending interest messages. Then waiting for a reply, if they ever get one. ITs arent much different than admin in this respect, that if an IT isnt interested they dont typically reply back, to decline, as it might be perceived as rude, or offensive. It wouldnt surprise me if many of the lower tier ISs reason that with your resume you wouldnt be interested in whatever they would have to offer, or that your really only interested in a dream location such as JP or WE.

2) They dont need too. Even bottom tier ISs get applicants who by virtue of application have indicated they are available. Why bother looking, when they have applicants.

3) Ego, every admin/recruiter thinks they and their IS is awesome, and approaching a candidate first shifts the inital balance of power. They came to you, you didnt come to them. This changes they dynamic of contract negotiation and interviewing/selection. If they came to you it means they dont have a pool of applicants anymore to select from, and they are just going down the list of prospects from top to bottom until someone takes the job. If they are approaching you, than no one else has taken the job, and it gives you a stronger position in negotiating compensation.

4) The internet is a tremendous resource. Is their a teacher review on some 'Rate my Teacher" website, or is there something in your social media, or your network that could be an issue? Is there a criminal or misconduct history that might be attributed to you (how common is your name)? Is a previous supervisor or coworker saying something negative about you, somewhere. Its common for a recruiter to "Google" a perspective teacher. There could be any number of issues you wouldnt know about.

Lastly, from your previous posts my inclination is that your waiting for the field to validate you and your accomplishments with a high tier offer in a dream location. A recruiter may believe that given your resume they simply dont want to deal with a potential high maintenance IT and pit their ego against yours.


Associates dont always routinely review the references of their candidates upon submission before approving a profile. You would think this would just be a good work practice, yet too many of them have a negative reference and it is corrected too late.


I couldnt disagree with much of your post. the only issue I have is that this field would collapse without the real potential of finally getting that dream offer or top tier IS. There are those that are very, very successful in IE. Its not just dumb kids and those caught in the loop, if it was there wouldnt be an IE field.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

senator wrote:
> I assume that since you have 8 years in, you have mainly good references to
> have come that far. That is the thing about the international school world
> - the old boys club still is in effect. Even 1 poor or mediocre reference
> from the right person can kill your career, even if that reference is from
> a completely incompetent jackass.
> Back here in the real world of teaching, the arena is so big that a bad rec
> doesn't matter. It also seems that most school admin here in the U.S. judge
> you on the entirety of your record - I have been fired from 2 different
> schools - one due to budget cuts and the other because I would not pass a
> student who cheated several times - but I always have another job because
> the majority of my references are excellent, as I am sure yours are, and
> admin here UNDERSTAND that sh_t happens to good teachers! Read that last
> line again.
> From what I remember about some of your other posts, this is the second or
> third year you have not gotten an overseas job despite the fact that you
> are in the "in the most demand" field - IB HL math. Are you sure
> that you still want to put up with this B.S.? It seems, since you have
> admitted that you are not really trying now to find a job, that deep down
> you know that this system is dying, unless you are one of the few who are
> in the loop or are a dumb kid who will work for peanuts and move anywhere
> for even a lousy job.
> Sometimes the best decisions we make are those that are forced upon us.
> To the next posters: Just respond to Climberman's post and don't waste your
> time trying to rebut my reply. You won't change my view and I won't change
> yours about the IT world. Thanks.
How about because you come onto a forum for int'l teachers and post negative, inflammatory and/or misleading comments? We understand that you could no longer function and thrive on the int'l circuit. It's ok. It's not for everyone. Please move on with your life and leave this bitterness behind you.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Senators experience and position is as equally valid as yours or anyones, regardless of what little value or utility you feel it has. This forum is available to a broad audience of readership, and their may be and likely are readers that value his perspective.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by JeremyIrons »

It's strange that you're not being contacted at all so I would definitely check the resume/references. However, as already mentioned, many schools will not chase candidates. They will just put an add up and allow people to reply. It's a lot less effort and that way you know they at least want the job. If you genuinely want a job you need to start contacting schools/applying for advertised posts, not waiting for schools to 'headhunt' you.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by sid »

Schools rarely reach out unless they have a great reason to do so.
Most teachers still available at this date are being very active about contacting schools. Schools are indeed in need of filling vacancies, but generally they can work from the pool of people who contact them. Why would they waste their time with someone who doesn't appear to have any interest in them?
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by Michelle »

I think Sid has hit the nail on the head here. That fact that you are not actively approaching schools tells directors that it may be wasted energy contacting you. The only time a school contacted me was when a director I had worked for in the past moved to a new school and sent me an email asking if I would like to work there the next academic year.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by Climberman »

Thanks to all for your posts.

1. I have spoken with my Search associate and have been assured that my references are fine.

2. I DO NOT want to go to one of those elite Top Tier schools. I am looking for a good school in a good place.

3. I have had friends at schools pass on my resume to their school heads and I still have not gotten many responses. The heads tell them that they are looking for couples.

4. I have never had any criminal or misconduct charges.

Any other ideas?

Thanks again.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I am at a loss how to explain this more succinctly, as I wrote above, recruiters are not going to chase, you need to take the initiative, apply, interview, and impress upon them. Having a colleague inquire on your behalf, without initiating direct contact yourself is indicating to a recruiter that your high maintenance.

Admins/management/recruiters are not interested in your teaching ability, they already know you can teach, and everyone else int he room is just as accomplished an IT as everyone else. What they are looking for are good employees, and that means knowing your place, doing the bauble head, and when its your ego or theirs going along and getting along.

Very, very, very few recruiter are going to feed your ego, by pursuing you. You are going to have to play their game, and sell them on why you are worthy. If you are not willing to do that, your going to find a lot of silence in your candidacy and vacancy search.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by expatteacher99 »

I agree with PsyGuy, Sid, etc. Assuming there are no red flags in your references or on your CV, it is probably simply a case of schools not feeling like they need to actively pursue a candidate who hasn't shown any interest. Maybe they wonder why YOU are still looking. Or maybe they are assuming that you aren't still looking even if your profile is active, since you haven't contacted them.
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by JeremyIrons »

Basically this thread amounts to "I haven't applied for any jobs, why aren't I getting any?"
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Re: Why Don't Schools Contact...

Post by Michelle »

In a perfect world schools would be searching us out. Even in the States when there was a teacher shortage the schools were not actively pursuing teachers. I found it very interesting that I had a number of unemployed teacher friends looking for work with their names on the district's availability lists and still the district did not contract them. I went to the district office and said I am ready to get to work. I was interviewed the following week and got a job.

Reminds me of the statement - "You can't win the lottery unless you enter."
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