Taipei European School

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Taipei European School

Post by McC »

Anyone have any info on the school, city and country in general? The rain seems to be mentioned a lot, how limiting is it?

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Re: Taipei European School

Post by ISRian »

My sister in law works there and likes it. I don't know much about it though.
My wife and I are Canadian and have been living in Taipei for 11 years and love it. Both of our kids were born here, too. I've traveled 5 continents and it is one of the safest cities of its size that I've come across. Centrally located for great travel destinations and the rain isn't too bad ( the humidity in the summer is another story). Mandarin is hard to learn, but basic knowledge of it would be beneficial as the locals' English skills aren't great, especially outside of the city (but that's a visitor's problem, not theirs).
Someone new to SEA might be taken aback by the cultural differences, but I wholeheartedly recommend living in Taiwan
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Re: Taipei European School

Post by sciteach »

One of my former co-workers is at that school and has been there for around 4 or 5 years from memory.

The school itself has a good reputation in Taiwan and is probably the best or second best (the other being Taipei American School) in the country. Some people do not like the admin at TES - but others speak highly of it. From memory - it's quite an IGCSE style system and is not IB or American in their thoughts. That's either a good or bad thing depending on your style....

Taipei is a nice place to live. There is great nature and hot springs only a short distance from the main city. You can get most of the things that you need and food is reasonable in quality and price. People do talk about it raining a lot - and it's mainly drizzle. As I used to live down south - my joke would be....

"What are the two types of weather in Taipei?"
"Answer: Raining or about to rain"

The weather does get hot - but in the dry winter season it can be quite nice and even slightly chilly up in the mountains.

If I was to talk about the locals - a lot of them don't think about what they do but they are a little more Japanese in their manner than Chinese (meaning they kind of line up - don't normally spit on the street apart from beetle nut - yuk!) which is a positive thing.

If there was a school and job that really suited me - I'd move back to Taiwan in a heartbeat. With time - the country really grew on me and I now see it as my second home. I'm currently in the IB system, but if I was more looking at the English system I'd strongly think about applying for a job at the school. I do know they normally have quite strong candidates for most positions due to the reputation of the school.
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Re: Taipei European School

Post by lookingforlefty »

I was browsing this place on Search at some point. I know nothing about the country or the school, but the pay seemed way beneath TAS. Like not even in the same league.
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Re: Taipei European School

Post by sciteach »

From memory - there is good savings potential at TES. But yes you are correct - there is a sizeable pay disparity between the two schools. Do note that TES is still one of the better paying schools in the country - but TAS's package is much better than any other in the country by a country mile.

Also - Taiwan has a strange health care system which works out well for you. You pay a small amount - but almost all hospital, GP and Dental work is very cheap and at a good level of quality. For example - we are talking about $5 USD for a filling at the dentist...
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Re: Taipei European School

Post by klooste »

Taiwan is a paradise. I studied Mandarin there for 8 months, and despite being forced to write Chinese characters with my right hand (I'm a lefty, btw), I still fell in love with the city.

It rains a lot, but it honestly helps keeps everything fresh and lustful. It gets grossly hot at times, but then it'll rain cats and dogs to cool everything down. I used to wear sandals on purpose just to feel the water on my toes during a rain storm!

I think you'd have a good time there. I could give you more information on Taiwan if you'd like, but I think I'll share what I know in public if thats ok? Just to appeal to other's curiosity cogs (please don't judge my grammar, or writing, as some of you know I teach English, but I drank way too much cha (tea) at my girlfriends family reunnion, and the odd leaves have kept me awake it seems):

Hit up Shi da night market (??????its a great place to get some cheap munchies, or even a nice Albertan grilled steak (licks lips).
YOU MUST MUST MUST visit Hualian ???? during a not so hot season (maybe fall)? Its beautiful! Ever wanted to wake up see a mountain in your backyard with perfectly groomed grasses, and natural palm trees in the distance? Oh, and you can also walk into a cave which has a waterfall entrance. The water will touch you gently, and make your neck prickle, like a sweet kiss from nature!

Then, when you're in beach mode, you should head down south to feel the warm sand beneath your toes. The rain isn't so bad in the south, and everything is still so green.

Taipei is super developed. Missed your train? No worries, the next one will arrive in 1 minute! Want to sit a bus? Sure, but be ready to ride in comfort.

Taiwan is basically a clean China, with a better writing system in my opinion (traditional Chinese for the win)! Its also a romantic city I think.. so if you're going single, be prepared to.. .well you know, I'll try to keep this post somewhat professional! I met my second most important woman in my life, next to my mother, in Taiwan.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign that contract, and go, you won't regret it! =D
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Post by PsyGuy »

The compensation difference between TES and TAS is why there is an elite tier within the first tier schools.
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Re: Taipei European School

Post by travelholic »

Anyone can provide any guidance on the wages in Taipei European school and the housing allowance?
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