Worth signing up to Search or too late?

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Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by jmods »

Ive been sending application letters and cv's to possible vacancies and have had some success but Im still thinking about signing up with search associates. My application is half way done but I stopped over xmas and didn't complete.

Is it worth finishing it off or is it too late in the game, with fairs and so on already going on? I won't be attending fairs, just to be on their database and find schools through their db.

By the way...how does one go about finding the "best" associate?

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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by twimih »

If you don't plan to go to a fair, I'm not convinced it's worth it. Two years ago I applied to many schools through the SA site .This year almost every school does NOT want you to apply through the SA site, but through their own, or via email with a cover letter, cv, and letters of reference attached. You don't need to join Search to do that.

I'm registered with SA, but in addition I have a bookmarks folder in which I bookmark the employment page of every international school in the continent or country I'm looking at. Then I open the folder, click on "open in tabs," and within minutes can see updates to all the openings. When I see one that's a fit, I apply directly.

For me, joining Search is about the fairs. I love them and have been successful at them. But for actually applying for jobs through their database, it's not much help anymore.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by Micky »

While I find the data base useful for info on schools, salaries, benefits and the like, that aside I tend to agree with twimih. I have also noticed that a lot of schools on search are now using Schrole, with some of them only accepting applications through this site. Schrole looks like it's the way many of the schools are and will be going in the future. If I were not attending a fair I think I would simply sign up with Schrole. I almost feel as if fairs will soon become a thing of the past.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I tend to lean the other way. The membership in Search is good for 3 years potentially and the database is very useful in screening which schools are even worth applying for, given your own personal expectations and needs. The job opening notifications and searchable database also make it very efficient and convenient.

I also like that my file is on Search with all of my confidential references already done so I don't need to worry about that end of things. Schrole may be the coming thing, but as near as I can tell Search still has the vast majority of schools I would be interested in teaching at as member schools.

In the end it's a personal choice on whether a few hundred dollars is a worthwhile investment to you. It may change but for now I still find a worthwhile investment to stay in touch with the marketplace.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by jmods »

Thanks for all your replies......To be honest its all a bit of a hassle. There are so many routes to go down....I wouldn't mind having a presence on all these different platforms, but you can't really ask your references to complete letters for Search...teachershorizon....schrole and then any CV's you send directly to schools.

I might try search this time around and leave schrole for next time......but how do people decide where to have a profile? Or do you do sign up to different ones and just get your references to write up letters to all of them?.....I just don't want to be a pain!

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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by Vernacular »

Search's database directly resulted in my previous two international jobs and recently provided the next one. The recruiting fairs are a mixed bag; subject to the vagaries of multiple variables. Attendance at one fair is included in your subscription.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by twimih »

jmods, you won't want to ask your references to write separate letters for each school you're applying to. Ask each one for a generic letter of recommendation, and then scan them and send the same ones in for each email application that asks for them. If they're interested in you, they'll contact those people anyway for more specifics. The schools don't expect letters from your references that are customized to that school.

For Search, your references answer a list of questions instead of writing letters. You give Search their contact details, and they receive an email with a link to the questions. I believe it's the same for Schrole. Honestly, I think that makes it easier for them than having to compose something in a letter. So really, they only write one letter for you, that you can use again and again, and answer a set of questions for Search or Schrole. (I don't know any others.) It's do-able.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by vandsmith »

i did TIE online, and then Search.

i got more hits with TIE, and my experience with Search has been for the database only. the good schools, one of which i ended up signing with, all had internal applications to fill out separately from Search.

that's the annoying thing. asking your references to fill out 'another' confidential reference for you. in the end it worked for me, but as far as Search goes the database is the only thing going for it (and the updates). if schools just listed this stuff on their websites, we could do away with Search altogether!

so, too late? no. and it might land you a job, even after these two big fairs.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by jstwatchin »

Other than Search or ISS, what other databases are there where teachers can ask their confidential references to be held and not annoy the referee to death with dozens of individual requests?
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by shadowjack »

I second vandsmith - Search and Tie are my go-to search aides. Teacher Horizon? Honestly, none of the top schools I know of deal with them. Why would I want to? Yes, you might say that there are some good schools and I might be missing out - but likely many of them are also on TIE.

Just my two cents.

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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by jmods »

Quick question.....Do all search associates ask that you modify CV's to fit a certain standard? and write Bio according to their advice?

Just curious!

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Post by PsyGuy »


SA and ISS are the only two IS premium agencies. You can have confidential references as part of your TIE profile as well.


What is it that you want from an agency? A greatly influencing factor is access to fairs, without fairs its just a jobs database. A couple of advantages:

1) Access to fairs were people either get hired directly or indirectly. It also gives you the opportunity to network. You might not be the right person at that time but a strong positive impression may easily make you the first person to come to mind in the future.

2) The schools data base makes it very easy to search schools and quickly inform them of your interest, making applications for a broad or complex job search more efficient.

3) The school profiles can be helpful in establishing some ranges and expectations for a region.

4) Having your confidential (closed) references available can easily facilitate an offer, if a recruiter has to wait for responses they may move on to someone else.

Some disadvantages:

1) The premium agencies are not an end all or even close to a complete search. The agencies will get you the elite school some upper tier schools and some lower tier schools. They will still leave a LOT of schools uncovered. If all your interested in is a top tier school anywhere in the word than a premium recruiting agency will greatly simply the work. If however your looking at a specific region than a premium agency will just scratch the surface.

2) There is a greater cost component not only for membership but fair attendance and travel expenses. If you spend $1000 to go to a fair and you get nothing your going to be frustrated.

3) Those confidential references are only accessible to agency repped schools, you cant reference them to anyone else.

4) Much of the schools profile pages are over inflated or out of date. Many schools just login and change the date without updating information. A number of schools inflate their compensation packages, where the reported values are the maximum (or they are just fantasy), and not indicative of a typical offer.

5) Applications through a premium agency dont allow you to include supplemental information with your application packet.

6) More and more schools are requiring you complete their own application, even if you have a profile with a premium agency.

In general if you want to go to a fair, or have a broad job search or only interested in top tier schools anywhere, a premium agency can greatly reduce the workload and job search time. I typically recommend a premium agency and a small minor database (such as Joy Jobs or TIE).
If however you have a niche or specific job search your going to have to organize a system of bookmarks or other application resources to do an in depth and exhaustive job search. Your just as likely to find a position by direct application with a virtual interview.

In general SA tends to have a larger school pool, but they have lower standards and there are plenty of bad schools repped by SA. Associates can be hit or miss, and many of them havent been in education for a while.
ISS tends to be a little more elitist, and if your not exceptional your likely to be ignored and frustrated with a lack of attention to inquiries. Their schools database is smaller but they have far fewer lower tier schools.
If you want to do a lot of fairs ISS is a better deal, if you need more hand holding SA is more attentive.

I only give confidential references to schools that are prepared to offer a contract. I dont provide them prior to an interview or as part of an application packet. Schools will contact your references anyway to at a minimum confirm the letter and ask a few questions.

I personally use ISS and TIE.
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Re: Worth signing up to Search or too late?

Post by Amnesiac »

Not too late at all. There'll be decent jobs available into May, though lots of the good ones are going right now. Just go into it with the expectation that it could be next year before you land something and there's a decent chance you'll be pleasantly surprised. I applied with Search this time last year and received several interviews and eventually a job. It's all about keeping your expectations in check and an open mind, but there will be really good jobs available through the Search fair in Boston, and even after that into May there'll be jobs well worth considering, though they will be limited and generally more flawed the later into the year you get.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There is always a job if you will take anything and go anywhere.
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