Extra curriculars to add some flare??

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Extra curriculars to add some flare??

Post by klooste »

Hi all,

This question is probably too selfish, and too resume focused, but I'm just wondering how a potential employer would view a game design club and a school newspaper on a resume? Please give me some wordsmith to elaborate:

I am contemplating teaching a journalism course next year at my school, because I love creative writing, and anything English related! In order for me to properly teach the course, I need to undergo some training through another teacher. The training would essentially teach me how to use the program in order to make a fancy school newspaper. Would a future employer value this type of expertise? I know I should "do what I love," but I don't plan to stay at my current school forever (mostly due to the city I am currently living in)...

What sorts of extracurricular do ya'll run?

Currently, I am teaching my students how to use UDK, a professional open sourced game design engine. The reason I stress open sourced is to avoid being accused of breaking copyright laws for my school's upcoming inspection. How would this extracurricular stand on a resume?

I also dressed as the Joker for Halloween, poured water on my head for an ice bucket challenge, tapped out an article for the school's magazine (which was then translated into several different languages to address our parents).
Am I doing enough? How can I improve? Any ideas? What do you do, experienced teachers?

Thanks for reading my long jabber (and yes, I'm a newbie) =D!
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Re: Extra curriculars to add some flare??

Post by IAMBOG »

I've done a singer's recordng club, a rock band club, a (Google) Sketch Up club?an Islamic geometry club, and a chess club so far. I also started the school newspaper. I've dressed up as a leprechaun and a nutty wizard.

None of this got me a job, but it definitely helped pad out the resume and certainly didn't hurt.
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Re: Extra curriculars to add some flare??

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I would not necessarily emphasize your dabbling as super villain or internet sensation but the part about the journalism class and being able to use/teach additional software and publish a school newspaper would certainly add to your resume.

I have years of sports coaching experience and this year I am running an after school program for students needing enrichment/remediation. Basically, it seems to me that anything that directly impacts the students' experience and growth and shows a willingness to contribute to the school community outside of the classroom will be a plus for you.

That being said, I don't think extracurriculars really sway a school/admin to move your cv to the top of the pile unless it is something that that particular admin finds personally meaningful and/or the school just happens to be looking to add an activity or replace a current staff person sponsoring that activity.

Extra certifications and experience teaching a wider range of subjects (such as your journalism course) will always trump extracurriculars, IMHO. Good luck and keep padding that CV.
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Re: Extra curriculars to add some flare??

Post by heyteach »

I should think any employer would look favorably on your extracurricular activities. Your question is not selfish at all--while you obviously enjoy and seek out these activities, you are definitely benefiting the students. During interviews, you should ask about extracurricular opportunities* and mention that you enjoy developing and sponsoring various activities.

* I once asked about xc "opportunities" and got a very positive response from the interviewer. He told me later most people use words like "requirements" or "obligations," which sound rather grudging. I think the word opportunity indicates your interest and enthusiasm.
fine dude
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Re: Extra curriculars to add some flare??

Post by fine dude »

I agree with the previous posters. If you want to flat out beat the competition, become an IB examiner or at least show evidence of top notch results consistently, be it on IB or AP exams and have parents and admin vouch for you through those references.

Activity-wise, you just need to again show evidence of sticking-around school, be it MUN or Yearbook. You should prove that you are not one of those teachers who is waiting to jump out of the school gate when the clock hits 4. Commitment to learning and walking the talk an extra mile, both inside and outside the classroom is what it takes.

When your school head picks up that phone and tells your prospective employer what a great loss it would be to let you go and he or she wished that you really stayed back, you can say you hit that final nail on the coffin really hard.
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Re: Extra curriculars to add some flare??

Post by nathan61 »

It probably also depends on what subject you teach. I am a music teacher who has also been doing some non music related stuff such as drama productions, putting on a school wide talent show, and working as assistant MUN director. During three interviews in the past month nobody seemed remotely interested in this stuff. These extras couldn't hurt, but really all they seemed intereste in was what I would be doing for the music department
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