Shanghai vs. Cairo

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Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by sassylassie »

I've traveled a lot and have lived abroad for several years but have not been to either of these cities. I have two offers that are pretty similar aside from location--Cairo, Egypt and Shanghai, China.

I'm looking for input--both positives and negatives--from people who have lived and worked in these areas to take into consideration. If you have lived in either (or preferably both) of these places, what did you like most? What did you like least? Anything I should know? Looking for whatever advice you wish to share.

This will be my first official job teaching at an international school and I am not really sure what specific questions I should be asking. I have an idea in my mind what it might be like to live in these cities--but never even having visited, not sure how realistic my "ideas" are.

A bit more about me: I'm single, female, mid-30s, not looking for a relationship. I like to go out and explore the local area but am also fine at home reading or watching movies--can be a bit of an introvert, not at all into the bar scene, equally comfortable making friends with expats and/or locals.

Thanks in advance. :)
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Hi. I've lived in both China and Egypt and visited both cities. We enjoyed Egypt but it really is an acquired taste. If you throw in political instability and you being a single woman, it becomes a slam dunk for Shanghai. Cairo has good qualities (antiquities, some good restaurants, etc) but Shanghai is a world class city with many more Western friendly amenities, much better infrastructure (internet, public transport etc) and would be much safer/comfortable for a single western woman. They are both polluted with Cairo maybe coming off a bit better (more dust, less toxic particles) but Shanghai would be a relatively easy first overseas posting for you.

Others may have different thoughts but for me, unless you are a Muslim or have an over-whelming interest or affinity for Egypt then it should be China.
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by Monkey »

I reluctantly agree with wldtrvlr123. Reluctant not because I think he/she is wrong; reluctant because I hesitate to send anyone to polluted China. However, you can do things to mitigate the damage like masks, expensive air purifiers, and doing one contract to get experience and then getting out. But there's not much you can do to mitigate a revolution. I have a friend who was in Cairo a few years ago during the initial turmoil, and it sounded scary. And it's not like stability has improved tons since then.
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by sassylassie »

Thanks--I appreciate both of your responses although I have to say I was expecting to hear the opposite--that China is horribly polluted and that Egypt, although politically unstable, is the way to go. Anyway, I will certainly take your advice into consideration. Sometimes it's tough to make a decision, especially when you realize that you don't know so much more than you do know. But I suppose that's part of the adventure and charm of traveling to new places.
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

We were in Beijing for 2 years a few years ago and the pollution was nearly the same as now. I know it was bad, but we managed just fine. We did not ever use masks or air purifiers in our apt, although we probably should have. Aside from the health risks, it's not as if every day you are choking on the streets. Some days can look downright apocalyptic outside and a few of these together can be oppressive, then you will get a run of blue sky days and can forget about the bad air for a while (we had 26 blue sky days in a row one year).

As for day to day quality of life, Shanghai will just be better for you. You can go out, walk to shopping and restaurants, take public transport, be completely independent. In Cairo, being a western woman alone could be very stressful/problematic for you. Being objectified, possibly hassled (or worse) would be a definite possibility, every time you are out by yourself (much more likely then in any big city). We never had problems but we were there pre-revolution and westerners were fairly safe. We also were always together as a married couple. We have friends who are in Egypt now and the attitudes and actions against all women have apparently really gone downhill since then. I'm sure many women still make a go of Cairo and do alright, but if you have other choices, then I would strongly consider them.

Maybe someone who is still there as a western woman alone can offer a more balanced point of view. Good luck!
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by CaliPro »

i am perplexed as to how this is even a question.

i would not think twice about this if benefits were equal.

shanghai all the way lol
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by sassylassie »

Well, it's nice that the consensus is unanimous. It made my decision that much easier. :)

Thanks everyone. Shanghai it is!
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by Overhere »

Sassylassie, I don't think you will regret your choice. I don't have any experience with Cairo but I have lived in Shanghai for a number of years and it can be a decent city to live. Certainly it has it warts, like the air pollution etc, but then what city doesn't. Enjoy your time, and make sure to take advantage of all that the city has to offer.
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by dover2013 »

Wow! Someone asks for advice and then actually takes it!

Good decision btw, good luck!
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by Keiora »

I know China is infamous for terrible terrible pollution, but is Cairo that much better (Serious question)?! I've not been to Shanghai but spent a month in Egypt in 2007 and while I LOVED the country (even traveling as a single woman in her mid twenties), I never could get over waking up with the taste of motor oil in my mouth. :(
Helen Back
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by Helen Back »

I was living in Cairo previously. I'm now living in Shanghai. I wouldn't move back to Cairo, that's for sure. Shanghai is a cosmopolitan, well planned city, with lots of things to do. Cairo isn't. Yes, the pollution in Shanghai is a concern and the weather sure isn't as good as Cairo, but I often wonder how bad the pollution was in Cairo compared with Shanghai.

I would choose Shanghai, however, I don't think either place is somewhere I would consider a long term destination. Four years is probably the max for me.
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Re: Shanghai vs. Cairo

Post by PsyGuy »

Shanghai, its not even a contest. All the touristy stuff you can do in a weekend, and then living in Cairo is a grind. The culture (food, etc) is very unremarkable. Unless your a closet archeologist Cairo will get old VERY quickly.

As for the pollution, there are many options to reduce the health impact. Shanghai will also do more for your resume than Cairo would.
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