American(?) International School in Genoa

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American(?) International School in Genoa

Post by roamer »

This school has a job posting for my area, but their website is not too informative and they are not on SA. They aren't even listed on the pay side of ISR! Can anyone shed a little light on them?
Thames Pirate
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Re: American(?) International School in Genoa

Post by Thames Pirate »

Not much, but I interviewed with the director there, and we talked extensively. I would work for that guy any day, but it didn't fit our needs at the time (would not have worked for husband). If you want good leadership with vision and ambition, my impression was that this school has it.
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Re: American(?) International School in Genoa

Post by cyndioeo »

They actually are on SA website. It's just International School in Genoa. I interviewed and was offered a position here at the SA Boston fair. Unfortunately, they can offer very little salary since they are such a small school. I LOVED the principal and would have loved to work for him. He seems like the real deal. The school was pretty much on a downward spiral until about three years ago, and he's turned it around with good leadership and great teachers. They would definitely take care of you as much as they could, but they unfortunately cannot do that monetarily. There was just no way I could live off that little salary.
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Re: American(?) International School in Genoa

Post by exnewyorker »

I interviewed with them at the SA fair in Boston. Normally, I wouldn't say that that means I really know anything about the school, but in this case the director of the school spent the entire 30 minute interview telling me about the school. And when I say the entire interview, I mean that quite literally. He didn't ask me a SINGLE question about me or my resume. Basically what he talked about was the state of the school and how (like a previous poster mentioned) the school was in a really bad state about 7 years ago, almost to the point of closing, when some concerned parents stepped in and got the school back on its feet. They hired a new Canadian director who started to turn the school around, and then the new (current director I interviewed with) is tying to continue with that to make the school what it needs to be. He said it is not a place for teacher who want everything working perfectly and with everything set. He said the school is still working on figuring out small things (like how to have an effective photo copy system) to bigger issues. He said, if that isn't the situation for you, then the school isn't for you. I also mentioned that the website is quite vague and lacking information and he said that that was something they intended on working on.

I appreciated his honesty. At the same time, a red flag for me personally was that, after not asking me a single question, he said I was one of their top candidates (out of 400 applicants)--and I was applying for something out of my licensure and experience area. And, on top of that, he never got back to me about the position. So I was his top choice, yet apparently not. I sort of felt like he was stringing me along. I wasn't sure if I could take everything he said at his word. If I had been offered the job and was thinking about accepting, I would have wanted to get some feedback from current and former teachers.
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