Going to Bangkok Search Fair - tips and children

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Going to Bangkok Search Fair - tips and children

Post by marycook »

Hi there,
This is my husband and my first time going to a fair and we're getting nervous and excited at the same time! If anyone has any great tips for how it all actually works etc, we would really appreciate it.

We're staying at the Westin (doesn't that hotel break the bank?!!) for the first two nights and then a hotel 2 mins walk away for the last.

Also, we have to bring our two infants along - has anyone ever had an experience of attending one of these fairs with children in tow? We are going to organise, in advance, the hotel baby sitters for the candidate meeting and sign up session as well as for the reception. Do you think it'd be wise to book blocks of time for babysitting on the interview days and try to organise our interviews around that, or should we wait and book the babysitting around the interview times? I guess what I need to know is whether teachers are non-stop interviewing back to back at this fair or is it much more leisurely paced?
I would assume my husband and I will be interviewed together so it wouldn't be a case of one of us being able to look after our little ones whilst the other is being interviewed?

Should we bring extra copies of CVs etc even though Search will have given all recruiters copies of them?

Sorry for all the questions - I really would appreciate your responses though.
Thanks so much in advance
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Post by educator »

Presumably your "SEARCH'' person thinks you're in with a reasonable chance or he/she wouldn't have signed you up for the fair in the first place. Wouldn't it be better to contact your Search associate with the questions? As for babysitting; play it by ear; anything could happen at any time.
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Post by marycook »

Thanks very much for replying!
Since I posted the original question, we've been sent heaps of info on what to bring etc to the fair, so yes, you're right, my Search Associate has helped us out!
I asked the questions about babysitting as I was hoping that people with some previous experience of taking their children with them would have some extra tips/advice on what worked for them, but maybe we're in the minority - maybe no one takes their kids with them, or perhaops they take helpers along with them?! (if only that was an option!)
Best of luck to everyone on the job hunt!
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Post by themeleks »

We;re taking our son with us to the UNI job fair. We, for many reasons, can't leave him behind. Everybody I talked to about this, including the fair organizers said that recruiters will want to see us both together. We were able to hire a UNI student to look after our son in the hotel whild we interview. I'm not sure about Bangkok, but you might want to consider something like that so that you can remain competitive with the other couples.
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Post by Overhere »

We didn't take our kids to the Bangkok Fair but if last year's fair is any indication you won't be the only one there with kids. We were amazed at the number of kids at the poolside reception. Good Luck
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Post by marycook »

Thanks so much for your responses - it's heartening to hear other teachers take their kids along to the fairs.
Think we'll just have to hire the hotel babysitters for blocks of time in advance and hope that they can be flexible!
Getting very anxious and excited about the fair!
Thanks again,
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Post by educator »

Smart move financially finding an alternative to the Westin. The Westin is primarily for the recruiters. You'll save at least a hundred dollars per night. My only suggestion would be that to maintain contact with recruiters while you're in another hotel, is to buy a local sim card & put it in your cellphone which you'll bring from home with you. The shop will want a photocopy of your passport or at least your passport details, for government stipulated security reasons. Even if you only receive one call on that new sim card, it may well be the call that eventually changes your life. They usually come with a bit of credit, so you can call home with some good news!
Childcare? I'd be incliined to take your children with you unless they're feeling particularly tired & cranky (or you are!), so that everyone is on the same contractual page, so to speak. The basement of Robinson's dept store (adjacent to the the Westin) has cheap, delicious Thai food in aircon. Maccers upstairs if you're desperate.
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Post by marycook »

Thanks, Educator, for the tips about the mobile phone - great idea! Would be a great help with babysitter too!
And, yes, my kids are lovely and mostly well-behaved (except for when they're not!!!) So will just have to see how confident we are about taking them in with us for interview!!! You're right though - there might be potential recruiters who would be happy to see the 'full package' - perhaps a bit of a gamble whether it works for or against us!!
Anyone ever had experience of taking kids in with them to the actual interview?!!
Thanks again, everyone for your responses - you are all so helpful.
Happy holidays!
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Post by Overhere »

Personally I don't think its a great idea to take your kids to the interview. Time is in short supply anyways and you need to put yourself in the best light possible and worrying about your kids in a recruiter's hotel room probably won't work. I got tired and grumpy by the end of both Friday and Saturday, I can't imagine what my kids would be like. Then there is the decision making that needs to be done between interviews. Can you do that while looking after your kids in a hotel alcove or lobby?
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Post by ichiro »

Last edited by ichiro on Sat May 05, 2012 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by marycook »

Ha ha! I guess the general concensus is get a babysitter!
I think that's our plan!
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