Who's had interviews?

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Post by eion_padraig »

My school wants our contracts back next week, which is probably very similar to other schools. I know our admin have interviewed a handful of candidates for spots they know are going to open up, but they've not done many.

There clearly is more focus on some positions that others at this point. There is more concern about school counseling, science, and math positions that other subjects from what I've seen.

Good luck managing the stress, keep seeking positions out, make use of contacts if you have them, and don't be blind to evidence that a job isn't right for you even if you get an offer. Figure out what your non-negotiables are in advance. Fine tune your BS detector.
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Post by litgal »

Actually Newchapter, whether you were confusing me with someone else or not I am in a somewhat similar position. Single, mature adult female, no dependents.... but first time throwing my hat into this ring.

I have a masters in elementary but only worked a brief time at that level; the bulk of my 18 years has been middle and high school in literacy/reading and some international studies courses.

I have a Skype conversation on Friday with Asia Pacific International, Seoul... very excited that one of my letters of interest got a bite that lead to a further discussion.

Are you registered with Search??
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Post by Bellarex »


Just curious, is your Skype conversation with APIS for an elem position or middle/high?
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Post by teller »

[quote]I think of in terms of suck. There are 2 times that "suck".

1. November. You decided a long while back this was your last year, so you pay your money, book tickets, get hotels reserved, gather up all of your references, etc. A huge amount of energy has been spent. Nothing, crickets, so quiet you feel the air sucking in and out of your lungs. Oh my, I hate to wait on other people! Yes I am that guy who always has his grades done first. The November suck can end at any time, or draw out until you hit the floor at the fair. We are all suffering this particular time suck right about now. It the kind of pain that no matter how much you want to be happy for those whippersnappers who just got a job, you aren't really. They aren't your drinking buddies, so their pleasure brings you misery. You can tell them congrats after you sign your contract... (Sorry cheery, but you know the score ; )

2. The spring. The outlay for shipping, the tickets for the summer bought, selling all your aquired junk, seeing some people for the last time ever. Uggg, just get it over with!!! let it be July,August... let me into my new house, my new job, my new life, start already...

Time, it sucks the life out of you. Best to just sit back, watch it unfold, and don't worry, it always works out somehow. It better!!![/quote]

Briz, this is absolutely brilliant--thanks so much for posting. But I, for one, am very happy for Cheery.....kind of.... :twisted: LOL--Congrats, Cheery!!
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Post by newchapter »


Yes, I'm registered with Search. I've sent out some emails of interest when schools post jobs. A few have sent me an email back that they'll pass my info. on to so and so. I don't have a Masters which is probably why I'm not getting looked at right away. But, I have a lot of experience and I do have 2 Bachelors. I'm pretty confident I'll present well and get something at a job fair. Good luck to you!
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Post by newchapter »


Yes, I'm registered with Search. I've sent out some emails of interest when schools post jobs. A few have sent me an email back that they'll pass my info. on to so and so. I don't have a Masters which is probably why I'm not getting looked at right away. But, I have a lot of experience and I do have 2 Bachelors. I'm pretty confident I'll present well and get something at a job fair. Good luck to you!
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Post by schoolcounselor »

I've had two interviews via Skype, schools that are doing 1st interviews prior to the AASSA fair. As this is my first venture into overseas schools, I hope the early interest bodes well for my chances of getting a good job.

I do have 7 years in education (teaching/admin) prior to getting my Master's and becoming a school counselor. Currently in my 3rd year at a private school in the USA with an international boarding program...

I have no idea how competitive I might be as a candidate, but fingers crossed!
Cheery Littlebottom
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Post by Cheery Littlebottom »

Briz is right tho'!
You lot are almost (!) always very sweet about this stuff, but Briz is right. Even when I knew we had great interviews coming up, a couple at our school landed their dream job a few days before us. I like them both very much indeed....but for one fleeting moment....I hated them! It's human nature.
We told our friends when we got our jobs, and loads of people congratulated us, but I don't talk about it with our mates who are recruiting out of deference to their feelings (unless they raise it!)
It's ok - hate me!
But your jobs will happen............ride that surge in Dec/Jan! :wink:
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Post by Briz »

Yes Cheery, the resentment isn't real. It is that inner fear of making a wrong choice, or of having no choice at all permeates the fabric of your inner soul in November. Some of us are trying to climb up the ladder and so we are really taking chances vs. some people who are really just shifting from one nice place to another. Trying to catch that break and get into ISM or JIS or ISB etc.etc.etc. is tricky business. It is like trying to find the wizard, some people get right in, some fight in the trenches. I am in that spot, and although I firmly believe I have amassed the right resume to break through someones proverbial glass ceiling, the November time suck is horrible. Thankfully IBDP train never stops so I stay BUSY!
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Post by Smurf »

I've interviewed with two schools and been offered two positions, I have turned one down and I am still considering the other position.
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Post by vettievette »

This is my 2nd go-round w/ the recruiting and honestly, I'm more anxious about it this time around than I was my first time. I have days where I feel pretty confident and days where my mind is screaming "OMG..how come nobody likes me?!" Mind you I've had some nibbles - and awaiting word. I don't want to feel like I'm "settling" and I know it's still quite early - some positions aren't even confirmed yet. I'm scheduled to hit Bangkok in January. I just can't wait until it's all over with.
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Post by koreaj »

Well, we've had second round interviews at two schools now, with a first interview with a 4th school tomorrow.

One school basically offered us positions, then said we need to wait for 10 days as the current teachers have 'indicated' they are leaving, but haven't reached the date they need to confirm. We were sent contracts however to look at, and the school said we are their first preference candidates.

The second school gave a strong indication that they would make an offer early next week after their selection committee meet and that both the positions we applied for are vacant.

Both schools are excellent and have pros and cons. We would be very happy at either one. How long do people ask the school to wait while they consider an offer? We really weren't expecting to be in a situation where we'd have multiple offers (if that is what comes from this), so hadn't developed a game plan. I should point out that both these schools are in the same city, so location isn't an issue.
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Post by Overhere »

I'm not even recruiting this year, I have next year's contract in hand, and this thread still stresses me out!
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Post by koreaj »

Was made an offer today for my preferred subject area as was my wife. Very pleased to accept the offer at a school we have been keen on for a while. The director and principal have been very quick to answer any questions we've had about the contract, package and school.

We were really not expecting to have any interviews before the Search fair, but in the end had interviews with 4 schools via Skype.

Good luck to everyone who is interviewing at the moment and heading to the fair!
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Post by Briz »

Had 1st interviews and heard what I wanted. 2nd interview on day 1 of the first Bangkok fair. I am signed up for both, and am willing to wait for the right place. If this school offered, I would have had to say no. Remember we are interviewing the schools too! I haven't met enough candidates this round. Feeling good, November is over, vacation and christmas just a few short days away...
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