Moving to Mexico

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Moving to Mexico

Post by escapeartist »

Hi. I just noticed the really awesome thread about tips for moving to Shanghai. What about to Mexico?
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Post by chilagringa »

Mexico City or elsewhere?

Mexico, at least Mexico City, I would speculate is not the culture shock of, say, China. But some tips anyways:

- learn Spanish. I heard someone complaining the other day that the annoying thing about Spanish speaking countries is that the people there have a higher expectation that foreigners will know their language. Not sure if that's true or not, but there isn't really an excuse not to learn Spanish because it is a fairly easy language to learn to the intermediate level.
- Expect chatty students. Dear lord.
- Expect super rich students who have major class attitude.
- The only things I had a hard time finding in Mexico are: brown sugar (you can get raw but not crumbly brown sugar), Tex-Mex style chili powder (I know, silly), bras for busty ladies and... that's about it. Anything else was easy to find once I got to know the city well. That's Mexico City though, but I would presume it to be the same in at least Guadalajara or Monterrey.
- Always leave 30 minutes before you think you need to leave for somewhere (traffic).
- Don't eat at a street food unless the place is busy and the stuff is cooked regularly.
- Don't bank with Banamex if you can help it. Seriously, what bank closes an hour earlier than all the others?
- I find Mexico pretty safe overall, but watch out for pickpockets on public transportation.
- When you leave Mexico (for visits, etc) by air make sure to get your passport stamped at the poorly marked desk for foreign residents and keep the paper they give you, otherwise you'll have an awkward conversation when you get back.
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Post by Trojan »

Great people.
Wonderful place for kids.
Great food, on the street and otherwise.
Yes, chatty kids.
Low pay.
Nice weather.
Again, lots of nice, laid back people.

Be patient. Try your best not to get irritated by the unplanned, last minute nature of people here. It can be a good thing (sometimes).
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Post by Alexandru »

I agree with everything that the previous posters said, especially the part about learning Spanish. Mexicans expect you to learn Spanish and typically won't speak English to you in social situations (my experience) even if they are fluent in it. What city will you be moving to?
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Post by Trojan »

I disagree with the Spanish comment, but maybe that one is location dependent.

Mexicans are some of the warmest people I've experienced, and I have lived in a variety of countries. That's no knock on other countries, as it seems like most people I've met on the planet are pretty nice. It's just a commentary on Mexicans. So friendly.

Many I've met speak Englsh and are happy to use it. Sucks for my Spanish, actually.
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