Cebu International School

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Post by joeysu »

this definitely helps shadowjack. my board actually will allow a two year absence. i checked when i first thought about teaching abroad. i do think that i will just travel this summer and plan next year to look into perhaps teaching abroad. if it doesnt work out then at least i will be able to live abroad again the following summer in a different destination. i will continue to read more and do more research in the meantime. i thank you all for your information and opinions. i hope to learn more from all of you. thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
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Post by Snowbeavers »

Prepare yourself for the new head Tony Harduar. He was the ES principal at ISKL and from my friends' reports, he is autocratic, conservative and inexperienced as an international admin (came straight out of the US prior to ISKL). Perhaps a bad school deserves a bad leader?
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Post by Lopaka »

You must have different friends than I at ISKL. Everything I have heard is Tony has been a strong leader. And I've never understood the concept that one must have International experience to be an effective administrator at an international school. An effective leader is going to be successful no matter the setting.
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Post by wntriscoming »

I do not think it is fair to insinuate that Cebu International School is a bad school and thus they deserve a bad head. Snowbeaver's comment is just rude. At times I think this forum is degrading into another Dave's ESL cafe with "teachers" instead of professionals.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

Yet another example of why comments here have to be taken with a grain of salt. One person's autocratic leader is another's strong leader. I am guessing it depends on whether or not one has agreed with decisions made.

Regardless, everyone deserves a fresh start so to purposely "poison the well" for anyone does not seem like fair play. People also act differently in different settings.

Just for the record, my friends at ISKL appreciate their elementary principal's vision and willingness to make tough decisions. (I have not repeated the name because I object to names being used on this public site.)
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Post by PsyGuy »


I dont agree with the "grain of salt" qualification. It implies that there is some degree/measure of falsity. Both observations can and likely are equally and fully valid. A difference in perception or POV does not mean the other experience/observation is in error.

Its crazy to say that admins shouldnt be evaluated based on their record. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. A fresh start doesnt mean ignoring history (and those doomed to repeat it). Your excuses that people act differently in different situation is very misinformed. The variation in behavioral differences is actually very minor. Most decision making behavior is actually very scripted, in that we tend to take the same course of action in a variety of differing scenarios, as our "reflex choice". the capacity to act differently, doesnt confer any increased likelihood that an actor WILL act differently.

Life isnt "fair", and a IT is simply in a better position to utilize to their advantage whatever information is available.
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