Canadian international school singapore

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Post by shadowjack »

All the schools I have worked at (and my friends) have had all flights paid. Tuition is 1 tuition per teacher (although I have friends with 3 children who have had all tuition paid for two teachers).

Schools that nickel and dime their teachers tend not to be schools I would want to teach at. My kids were fully covered at the schools I have worked at.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its a low tier 2 school/high tier 3 school. Its a small school so they watch their budget. You will have a hard time finding a three bedroom place on $2200, youd have to go into salary to cover the rest plus your utilities, and electric with A/C is no small amount in the S'pore. Youd also have to allow for a substantial transportation budget as your going to be living a distance from the school.
The tuition isnt an issue they will cover all your kids placements, but its not the best school for your kids. if they are young its not a big deal but if they are getting close to graduation or entering DIP, not the best place (in S'pore) to finish out their education.
When a school nickle and dimes their teachers on airfare, its a strong sign they are going to do the same in other aspects of the contract and school. I would take a very lose look at their insurance coverage, its either going to have a lot of limitations or be very basic.
That said, teachers at this school have reported that the airfare is something that can be successfully negotiated. The school will agree to a set relocation amount and you can shop for cheaper tickets and get very close to all 4 tickets covered by the allowance, though in this case the teacher was reimbursed after arrival.
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Post by Teachermama »

Pippafrit, if you are still following this, do you mind looking up their salary scale? We both have 7 years experience. Thanks so much.

Thanks everyone else for your info. I think we could manage a few of the things, as our kids are really little; they will all still happily share a bedroom as long as it has cool bunk beds! I will definitely try to speak to some current teachers there before we put it on our list to ask about work environment and "nickel and diming"!
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Post by mbovi »

@ Psy Guy : I am not sure what you mean by CIS being a "small school" as they currently roughly have 2800 students and growing. It is one of the biggest schools in Singapore.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Have you seen SAS? Compared to that yeah CIS is small.

Thats an otherwise great observation, and would be very persuassive if schools in Singapore despite the countries small size tended to not have rather largish schools. Its a matter of scale. Property is expensive and the incremental cost of building a larger school and exponentially having larger capacity is much less expensive then building more smaller schools.
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Post by shadowjack »

That's like saying that compared to a blue whale, an elephant is small.

In the eyes of the cat, both animals would be huge.

Yes, CIS is a big school and it is growing still. SAS, I think, is pretty stable and not growing...
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Post by PsyGuy »


Within the region schools tend to be large, and its that standard within the region that matters.

Not a good -. Yes an elephant is small compared to a blue whale in the region of "mammals", but comparing whales to whales, a sperm whale is small compared to a blue whale.

SAS is increasing enrollment, not a lot, but its growing.
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Post by National »


Why can't you just admit that you were wrong? A school of 2,800 is not small -- regardless of what is normal for the region. Just because there are bigger schools doesn't mean that one is small. There are also many schools in Singapore with less than 2,800.

The ability to admit when you were wrong will boost your reputation as a source of good information. Rather than twist things around when you are proven wrong, admit it and move on. Alternatively, you could also choose to post only when you actually have reliable information...
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Post by PsyGuy »


If i was wrong id say so, and ive been wrong in the past. My ego doesnt factor into it. I only care about the data, and i only post when I have either direct experience or reliable and trusted sources.
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Post by National »

@ Psyguy

I'd say you were wrong in this situation. Instead of arguing after the fact that you were saying CIS is "small for the region", just say you were wrong. I have a feeling that you didn't know that it was 2800 when you initially posted.

As for only posting when you have reliable information -- I think this has been proven false time and time again. When you are proven unreliable or just plain wrong, you stop posting on the thread rather than admitting being wrong.

I will say I have seen you admit being wrong before. This was when the answer couldn't be ambiguous in any way though (Env Sys and Soc being offered at HL). When there is any room for you to claim personal experience or interpretation, you keep arguing away...Your favorite line -- it is true for me.

I'll repeat what I said in a previous thread (which you never answered) -- It being "true for your experience" doesn't mean it is reliable information to share. When you have limited experience, let others with more relevant information post. You don't have to post on every thread. Post where you have relevant information and then people will know that you can be trusted. You obviously have first-hand relevant knowledge on many issues --- just not on all the issues you post on.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I see the problem, we have different definitions of "fact" and "proof". Your opinions, beliefs, feelings, arent facts. You "thinking" im wrong doesnt make me wrong.
Other contributors with differing opinions and experiences then my own isnt proof. Their experiences and opinions dont invalidate my experiences or opinions. My contributions arent subject to approval, and dont require consensus to authenticate them.

ENS is not offered at HL, thats a fact, it can be tested and the outcome is definitive.

"It is true for me" is not my favorite response, or even a common response. Its also very appropriate.I only post when i have relevant information.

Yes my experiences are reliable, in so much as they are as reliable as anyone else's experiences.
Your not really qualified to be the arbiter of what is and is not relevant to our readers. You can determine whats relevant to you, but youre not in a position to be an authority on what is relevant or important to anyone else. Thats not your call to make.

Further, I really find your position on this issue troubling, it implies an appeal to authority. Your position is that only those with some sufficient length of experience are qualified to comment on a given issue or region. This would greatly reduce the number of negative opinions since those who have a negative experience are not likely to remain under those conditions long enough to be considered "qualified" to render said opinion and view. This is what admins and cheerleaders want to persuade others of, and would essentially dismiss the vast number of "bad reviews" since they havent suffered long enough or great enough to give those experiences value.
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My 2 cents

Post by Rob »

Having been in Singapore for 25 years now, and still teaching at 66, here are my 2 cents. I have some friends at CIS, and they like it. True, the salary is not as much as SAS, but it's still a salary my friends save substantially on. The new headmaster is well respected by the teachers, and quite fair.

The S$2,200/month is not really enough to get a 3 bed room condo, even if it were an HDB flat (gov't housing). I would say that a minimum of S$3000 would be what you would require. I suggest you go to this website: Pick the location and the price you want. I currently live in a well furnished 2 bedroom HDB flat for S$2,500, but it is the NG (New Generation) type, with plenty of privacy and almost like a condo. Rentals are pretty stable now. Singapore needs to compete with the other ASEAN countries, so salaries tend not to rise, and therefore, rental rates are fairly stable.

Finally,if CIS is willing to train you in the IB program, I would say that is a rare opportunity. Just my opinion.

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Post by National »


When I said you should let those with more relevant information post, I was referring to posting about a two-week visit to a country with your Chinese/Mongolian girlfriend. If someone lived in Mongolia for a short period of time and hated it and left, their post would be more relevant for someone looking to live in the country than your girlfriend story. In this instance, someone who did live in Mongolia got on and proved all of your information outdated (if not "false").

I am not asking for only one version, nor am I asking for authorities only to post. I am asking for people who don't know what they are talking about to keep quiet. You are the one who seems to think an appeal to authority is good -- and that you are the authority. When you disagree with someone you say that isn't true because of my experience. Rather than, I had a different experience. Look back at your posts -- this is what you do a majority of the time.

I will say this once again. You have good information to share, but not on every topic. No one can post reliably on all the topics on this forum, but you seem to think you can. You post misleading information that someone who is new might not take with the required grain of salt.

But, I think you do most of this for entertainment value anyway...
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Post by PsyGuy »


Again, hate repeating myself, but you are not the arbitor of what is relevant and what is not relavent, nor are you in a position to dictate standards of relevance, not determine who is and who is not qualified to give/offer relevant information. Thats simply not your call, and your opinion that "2 weeks' is not sufficient is solely your opinion.

"Someone" offering a different experience and opinion regardless of length of residence does not "prove"my experiences and infrmation is false. As i wrote in my previous post, we seem to have vastly differing positions on the definition of "proof". Your opinion that i dont know what im talking about, is not self authenticating, your position and view that Im not a credible source, doesnt actually make me an uncredible source.

Your opinion that im not an authority is again, just that your opinion, it does not make it so.
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