American School in Japan - how long?

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American School in Japan - how long?

Post by autumnrain »

So how often does this school have vacancies? Must one wait for someone to die or retire in order to get a shot at an interview?
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Post by hallier »

They have never had a lot of turnover - just a few vacancies per year.

This has gotten much worse over the past few years, as they have needed fewer teachers. So, when teachers resign, they are often not replaced.

I know that in 2011-12, they even made some teachers redundant.

The combination of a stagnant economy and the effects of the earthquake/tsunami have knocked this school around quite a bit.

My understanding is that they have even had to make some changes to the package (for new hires anyway).
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Post by PsyGuy »

Pretty much, they have VERy low turnover. They literally only have a couple vacancies a year, if any. They have gone years without recruiting anyone. A couple part time positions usually pop up over the year, but they dont come with any sort of package, other then a wage and you have to already have a visa in Japan.
Despite the changes it makes a lot of ITs top ten list of best ISs in the world. You could be waiting forever for a position at ASIJ.
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More gibberish, I'm afraid

Post by Walter »

"They literally only have a couple vacancies a year, if any. They have gone years without recruiting anyone. A couple part time positions usually pop up over the year..."

"Literally", Dave? So if that is "literally" true that they only have a couple vacancies a year, what does the next sentence mean: "They have gone years without recruiting anyone"?

I shall be generous and assume that this is hyperbole, rather than your usual hyper-bollocks, but just for the sake of clarity let me point out that, at three of the fairs I attended this year, ASIJ were present and had large sheets at sign-up indicating available jobs. Not many, I grant, but definitely full-time jobs for full-time expats...
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Post by PsyGuy »

Gosh im sorry your the only one who didnt understand Walter, here let me differentiate for you:

"AISJ among the elite schools can go without having to hire any teachers at all in a given recruiting year. When they do need to recruit they typically have a very small number of vacancies."
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Hey Dave

Post by Walter »

"They have gone years without recruiting anyone."

Thanks for the correction. As it happens, I can't think of a year in the last ten when I haven't seen ASIJ out on the recruitment circuit. Nonetheless, I believe we are making progress with you. If you continue to engage your brain before blurting, you may become a useful contributor to the forum...
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