UNI Experience- Teaching Couple

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UNI Experience- Teaching Couple

Post by cmfoster1966 »

Well, this should be interesting.....
It took us 9.5 hours to drive here. With cross-winds, blowing snow, and black ice made for a long day.
One more thing to add before I stop, it FREEZING -24 degrees, even the schools are starting 2 hours later, plus there might be 2 more inches of snow tomorrow night, too. :D
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Post by shadowjack »

Get a good night's sleep!
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Post by PsyGuy »

The cold just means everyone will be staying inside, which means people will be focused on business, which is you getting a job.
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Day 1

Post by cmfoster1966 »

Well, after the experiencing the first, it was a rush in a heart beat.
We got three interviews, two where yesterday and one is today. Going to talk to another school this morning. A little about myself, middle school math/ science teacher and my wife in K-4. We do have three children, which we are finding to be hard. But hey, that is life. Love us or leave us.
The range in age is from just finishing school to many years of experience in the states or over seas. There appears to be more single women than men and a few teaching couples.
On the short note, the weather is about warmer, it's not blowing snow and you can breath when you go outside.
A good note, got to she a lady open her note from a school with a contract, she called her son in tears. :D
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Day 2

Post by cmfoster1966 »

Well, the day started off slow and continued even slower. We had an interview for the afternoon, but received an email saying they filled the position. The interview we had yesterday told us they would let us know either way by 5:30, well, we didn't hear anything and assumed we did not get the positions. So for us, it was a wasted day.
For us, it was a learning experience. We know to start in Sept. or Oct. for next year. Be more agressive in emailing schools that we might think will be a great fit for us and our family, too. I almost forgot we did get a call back on a school system, but turn it down, it was a fit for us but not our children. So what it is worth, we went, we saw, we stiil have jobs back at home. :lol:
Good luck to everyone else, may your dreams come true for your future adventures.
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Post by Trojan »

Don't be afraid to throw some resumes in boxes on Sunday and email some of the directors at the fair.

I got my offer that I accepted by doing that on a Sunday.

You never know.
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Post by escapeartist »

Don't give up! There is still a lot of time before the next school year starts and there is always next year as well.

I am a firm believer in things working out in the end, even when circumstances take on a form completely different from what you originally wanted or intended.

Good luck!
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