Quick decision-Western Academy Beijing!

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Post by sevarem »

The pollution issue can't be taken lightly. China is a pretty dusty, dirty country to begin with, but the pollution exacerbates all of that tenfold. That's one of the big reasons that we're leaving after so many years. In the past two weeks, the air quality has been rated as hazardous nearly every day. After a while, you start to wonder what you're breathing in and how it might be affecting your children.

That being said, if you can handle the pollution and the filth, WAB is an amazing school.
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Post by mysharona »

I just want to echo what sevarem posted in the previous post, anyone coming to China needs to carefully consider the pollution, especially when bringing young children. Coming from North America, people don't have any idea how bad it can be, not only in Beijing but in other large Chinese cities as well.
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Post by BookshelfAmy »

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'm curious:
For those of us that do have respiratory problems, where would be an okay place to live in China? Any particular schools or cities that have a decent quality of life without pollution?

I also noticed that the American School of Quito says they don't hire people with respiratory ailments due to the altitude. Any asthmatics out there have experience with the Andes?
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Post by shadowjack »

BookshelfAmy - try Xiamen International School - Xiamen is one of the lesser polluted places in China.

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Post by hallier »

It used 2 have an appalling reputation 4 pollution. But Guangzhou has got a lot better in recent years. Nothing like Beijing. AISG is a terrific school. Worth investigating.

Concur that WAB is a very good school - but u do need 2 have a substantial work ethic.
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Post by Redvaldo »

would pollution be a reason to not potentially take a job with wab?
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Post by shadowjack »

Personally, if WAB offered me a job and I wasn't contracted elsewhere, I would take it.

Days when pollution is heavy, you stay indoors more, or wear a mask (http://totobobo.com/)

WAB is outside the city center, but still subject to pollution.

Yet many teachers still accept positions there (and I have several former colleagues working in Beijing who think the city is brilliant).

The choice is up to you. Do you homework.

That said, I stand by my original sentence.
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Post by ChoirGuy »

Agree with shadowjack...if you get an offer from WAB, you should probably take it (especially if the offer is on the table and you don't have any others that you think are better). I accepted my current post in Beijing at a school I rate as close to WAB in many ways (package, academics, maybe even reputation some day) and though I'm not loving the air pollution, I'm glad I took the post. As for staying for another contract, that decision is still a year away.
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Post by sevarem »

BookshelfAmy- check out Kunming International Academy. Kunming is on the list of the least polluted cities in China.
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Post by Overhere »

In Kunming you would be close to Shangrila, Dali, and Lijiang. It would be quick hop to Bangkok too.
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Post by Teachermom »

I'm taking notes! Any other suggestions for excellent schools in Chinese cities without too much pollution?

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Post by inman »

I'm sad to read that pollution in Beijing is so bad now. When I was there it wasn't that bad at all, but that before the Beijing (2008) Olympics. The place had a shocking reputation for a long time, but was really starting to clean itself up in the years leading up to the games. It seems though, that as soon as the games were over all the pollution started getting pumped out again. I thought they'd done so well to get the place as clean as they did. It's a pity it didn't last.

Is Shanghai better or worse than Beijing then?
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Post by PsyGuy »

WAB is usually tied with ISB as the top school in Beijing and one of the top 5 in China. Most people would take the job. They do have some issue, mainly the politics and cultish factions within the school. You either buy into the WAB way, or you dont and find yourself an outsider.

Still your career would be greatly improved having WAB on your resume.

Comparing the air quality in Beijing is futile, its a very unique place and the air really is bad. Its one of the worst in the world. Anywhere else is going to be better. Shanghai and Goungzhou are much better, but they are still "polluted", though again much better.

Xiamen International School is a 3rd tier school. its not worth going their just for "the air'.
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