Cost of living in Taipei

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Cost of living in Taipei

Post by mathteacher »

Here's a question for any of you who've lived in Taipei.

Is it possible to live in Taipei, with a trailing spouse and 2 young children, on 60,000 NT/year? I should add that housing is included, and that I'm looking to live pretty frugally.

My research on living in Taipei is giving me mixed results... some say it's doable, others say it'd be tough. Any advice would be useful, thanks.
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Post by IAMBOG »

I was an ESL teacher in Taipei at the beginning of the 2000s. I earned about 50,000nt in my first job and about 70,000 in my second - this was without a teaching cert. There was no housing allowance or flights though. I live well and travelled alot.

60,000NT sounds pretty low for a qulaified teacher with a family.It's probably doable, but I wouldn't do it. The beauty of Taiwan is that you have access to other areas of Asia, but you won't be able to afford to access them.

I would look elsewhere, if I were you.
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Post by mathteacher »

edit: 60,000/mo

thanks for the insight, from what I've looked up, 60,000 seems low too... anybody else have thoughts about this?
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Post by liketotravel »

I'm single and live not so frugally on around 30,000 NT a month in Kaoshiung which is cheaper then Taipei, but not much if you're not hitting clubs or going out to eat a lot.

I know nothing about supporting a family, but I'd say 60K could easily work if you're ultra frugal on your food costs and entertainment.

I do agree with IAMBOG in that one of Taiwan's upsides is its location to reach the rest of Asia quite simply and there is no way a family of four could travel a lot.

Mathteacher is correct on 60K being low, as that is what around an English teacher would get in most language schools in Taiwan.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its doable but youd be living a very humble lifestyle. Basically work, and home. If your spouse could through together some ESL work (which there is plenty) youd be able to afford some travel and luxuries. 60K is going to take care of your necessities and nothing more.
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Post by ChoirGuy »

Finally, something I feel qualified to answer!

I taught for 9 years in Taipei as an Internaitonal School Teacher (though not at the American school), with a family of 3 - wife and young child. Though I was not on the international contract, I was over 100,000NTD/mo (albeit with a responsibility allowance.) Can you survive on 60,000NTD/mo? Possibly. We put away half of our paycheck, but I had a Taiwanese wife who knew where to get the "cheap" goods. We had to pay rent out of that 100,000NTD (paid around 25,000NTD for a small 2 bedroom).

If you're being offered 60,000NTD/mo, it can't be one of the two "big" international schools - TAS or TES - but if the package is good and you get annual flights and accommodation, you should be ok on 60,000. BUT, I would look for more at TAS or TES if you have the chance.
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Post by Teachermom »

I live in Taiwan. You will be stretched to make it on 60K per month, but it's doable, if tight. Keep in mind that you'll be required to take the national heath insurance out of your paycheck, which comes to a little more than 10% of your salary.

Also, there are lots of opportunities in Taiwan for part time English teaching, so you or your wife might be able to pick up extra income.
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