When does most hiring take place?

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When does most hiring take place?

Post by danny514 »

With schools recruiting earlier and earlier in the school year, I'm curious as to when in the hiring season most people tend to nail down a teaching position. My impression of the hiring season is this:

November-December: Highly qualified teachers may be taken off the market quickly by top tier schools looking for the most impressive teachers.

January-March: Most hiring by 1st/2nd tier schools takes place during these months, at the fairs and/or through Skype interviews.

April-August: Unexpected vacancies at 1st/2nd tier schools and plenty of vacancies at 3rd tier schools are advertised at this time.

Anybody care to comment / add to this? During which month were you hired for your current position?

Here's my situation: as a relatively inexperienced teacher (2 years of A-Level Mathematics experience) should I expect many vacancies to open up during the spring, or take any half-decent job that's offered at the fairs?
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Post by flyingrob31 »

I am wondering the same thing and so I hope some experienced people chime in. I am starting to get a little worried as I have been applying for math and physics positions through SEARCH and getting zero responses. I have credentials and 15 years of experience. I am paranoid that I am getting no replies since I do not have a letter of rec from my current principal. I cannot tell my principal as I need my current job in case the international thing does not pan out.
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Post by shadowjack »

It is very common for schools to use this time to build their candidate banks. Even experienced teachers, unless they are in shortage areas or have outstanding, incredible CVs, are playing the waiting game. As well, it seems there are an awful lot of "tentative" and "possible" positions out there which may or may not open up.

Don't get to depressed just yet!
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Post by Mathman »

I was doing the same last year, but I was generally getting responses. Either they were interested in an interview or meeting me at a fair, or sorry not this time for whatever reason.

Check your application letter with your associate for general advice.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Most people get hired in January, its the single most important time. All the mega fairs occur in January to very early February. A general breakdown of events follows:

Oct-Nov: Schools predict enrollment needs based on current rosters. Administrators require/request notice of those leaving. At this time top teachers are approached for difficult and hard to fill positions. Admins and leadership are recruited.

Dec: School send out introductions and invites to teachers that strong solid candidates. Hiring occurs via Skype and phone interviews. Candidates are asked/invited to interview at an upcoming fair.

Jan: Primary Fair recruiting starts.

Feb: Fair recruiting season ends for primary candidates in early February with the conclusion of the BOS/Cambridge fair.

Feb-April: Secondary recruiting continues.

May-July: Last minute hires, and emergency hires happen. Bottom tier schools cleanup the leftovers.
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Post by eion_padraig »

I was looking for a school counselor position and I had a job offer by late October.

My friends who are experienced international school counselors started interviewing for positions in October and November. Some have accepted job offers already and some are still looking.
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Post by liketotravel »

I found a well paying job at a good school in early August on TIE. After going to three fairs over the years, this has been my best result.
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Post by danny514 »

That must have been something! How much time between signing the contract and starting work? Did you ever find out why the position was open so late?
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