Access to Search Job Database

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Access to Search Job Database

Post by Trojan »

Quick question for those who have done Search Associates. I am not interested in looking for next school year, but the year after ( 2014-15), but I see that when you sign up that access is for three years.

Once the fee is paid, do you have access to the database? Or must you complete the entire application, including references from bosses, etc. before you have access?

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Post by micki0624 »

You must have everything completed before you can look at the database.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Your application file including the online application, and confidential references must be completed before you are activated and can use and look at the schools database, or receive vacancy notifications.
Sometimes an associate will activate you if your waiting on a reference and the others look good, especially if your current head is a reference and you don't want to jeopardize your current job, in such cases an associate will work with you,typically.
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Post by BookshelfAmy »

I think I read elsewhere on this forum that search doesn't like to have people in the database that aren't looking for the current season, so they might not approve your application until closer to the time you'll be an active candidate.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Depends more on the associate then a Search policy, a couple associates want maximum and quick returns on their candidates. They don't want to sevice their candidates who aren't going to pay off for them.
It's an easy fix though, just tell them your looking for the current year, even if you really aren't. You might after all find the perfect school and ofer that you just couldn't refuse.
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Post by Trojan »

Thanks for your responses.
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Post by pinkstar »

My experience of Search and their database is: I signed up with them at the start of the last school year (August/September 2011). I had done my research and knew which countries and schools I wanted to work for. I usually saw the jobs for these schools advertised on the school website or even on other school job sites before they appeared on Search. Most of these schools still required me to fill out their own application form and took up all the references again (despite them using Search and me telling them I had all the references on there). My recruiter did absolutely nothing to help me, advise me or anything.

I was offered several interviews but, due to a sudden family situation, decided to stay in my home country instead and look for a new job here. When I told Search I was not looking for a job any more, they immediately cut off all my access to their database.

I emailed them this August (2012) as I was thinking about looking for jobs abroad again. They said I must send them new references before I could access the database. Well, they already had the references from every supervisor and head from my job and I hadn't started a new one yet. I didn't have any new references to give. I have not been able to get access to the database, despite me having been a full member last year. Does anyone know if this is right? Isn't my membership meant to last for 3 years?

So basically OP, just make sure they are not going to cut off your access to the database and you are not going to have to ask your supervisors to write your references all over again several times!
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Post by PsyGuy »

Depends who your associate is? The reality is you never tell search your not looking until you have a job with a search school. You have 3 years of membership, until you are no longer available, what that usually means is you found a job. Few people just stop looking, because there is no vacation credit during your membership while your not looking.

Search is only interested in candidates that are going to earn them a fee.

Your associate may feel that your absence was because you found a job, that there not getting paid for and they want to make sure you haven't done anything off the books.
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Post by pinkstar »

Well, I had to change my profile to 'not available' (or whatever it is) as I often had schools email me asking if I was interested and I didn't want to seem rude by not replying. I wasn't available so didn't want to say I was. I also had to cancel interviews and my attendance at a fair so I did tell my associate.

I explained that I had a family situation and needed to stay in my home country for the next few months but would most likely be looking for jobs abroad the following year. They said that is fine but then cut off all access to the database! If I have access for three years why won't they let me view the database again? I have all my old references on there still.

To be honest, they didn't really help me anyway. I researched all the school myself and knew which ones I wanted to apply to in advance. I saw most of the jobs advertised on the school websites before they came up on Search (and sometimes on other teacher job sites before Search too). I also ended up still having to complete a lot of their application forms anyway and they contacted all my referees again too. The search application just meant an extra reference form for my referees to fill in! My associate didn't do anything to help or advise me or give me any contacts! The database is nice to be able to browse and see the wages and packages (not always listed on school sites) but I did all the work myself. Makes me wonder what they do? Although, as you said, it depends who the associate is.
If the OP does join Search this year (why do you want to join so far in advance?), make sure you will not get your access cut off like I did. And also, decide if you have the time and motivation to do the work yourself instead.
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Post by PsyGuy »

i understand you didnt want to seem rude, but schools dont take these things personally. You could have ignored the message, or just sent a brief "not at this time" reply. You didnt HAVE to change your availability to not available.

In the future the best response is to keep yourself available but remove all your position preferences under the seeking tab. Thats how schools identify candidates for a likely position. no preferences, and you wont appear in their search results. You can then later go back and add your preferences when you are looking again.

Searchs rational is that if your not available you dont need access to the database. the database is for job seekers, not casual browsing. In other words your either all the way in, or your all the way out. I cant really say aside from my previous speculation what the cause is for not permitting you access to the database now. You really need to talk to your associate about this.

Ive written before that if you have a very focused or limited job search, you dont really need Search. Its the people who are conducting very broad job searchs, and those who want the convenience of daily updates on vacancies. The compensation information is useful in determining the probable salary range, but even that is speculative. Schools change their salary scale and either dont update their Search profile, or the reported values are outdated. It also only covers two points with a lot of room for guessing outside of those points.
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Post by pinkstar »

Thank you Psyguy. Yes, I should have done with my profile that really. Oh well, next time!

I have just now seen a job come up (not through Search obviously) so I am going to apply. Problem is, I only started my current school this term and not sure what to do about the reference. As I am in my home country I am not tird to a two year contract or anything, but I know my Head will be angry if I ask for a reference now! Just have to hope they will be willing to take up the current Head's reference after interview (if I got one of course). I have good references from my previous jobs. I wasn't expecting to see any jobs I was interested in yet!
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Post by antitravolta »

I signed on with Search and also with TIE. The thing I've noticed is every job that's been posted on Search has ended up on TIE. TIE is a fraction of the cost so for many people, that may be all they need to do. For me personally, I plan to attend a fair so it was worth it for Search and it's nice having all the salary and benefit information with Search, but depending on my focus, the next time out, I could see just going with TIE.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I agree if its just about vacancy postings their are cheaper services. If you want to go to the big recruitment fairs, and have access to the school profiles then you have to go with a big agency. I know many people that just have the schools their interested in bookmarked and they just keep checking those schools for vacancies.
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