Think Global School?

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Think Global School?

Post by lightstays »

Any inside information? Their approach looks like e-learning on crack. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just wondering if the kids learn anything as they trot the globe...
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Field trip

Post by PsyGuy »

More like a really long field trip. I would love to do it, and its a great program, but its not really a long term school program. They certainly do have a great reputation. The actual experience though is more like a field trip then school. Its heavy on humanities and the arts and light on science on math. Student often come back with great insight and inspiration from the experience, but behind in several areas. Its an away program, with all the problems of a summer camp. The vast majority of participants only do it for a year, so its not a program thats stable. Its kind of like being a road warrior on the go, students are constantly having to readjust, and im sure you know your at your most productive when your at home/office. Well its the same with kids, Its a stressful environment.
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