Horace Mann abuse scandal

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Horace Mann abuse scandal

Post by lightstays »

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/10/magaz ... f=magazine

Disturbing article in the Times yesterday about abuse at an elite New York school. Does anyone have a feeling on how widespread this is or isn't among international schools?
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Post by PsyGuy »

It depends a lot on the region, type of school and makeup of the student body. The top elite schools in europe, always have a rumor or two. At a third tier school in some parts of asia with all locals, its not uncommon.

The international teaching circuit is a haven for child predators. Teachers are so mobile and leave their past behind when they cross borders, couple that with varied and sometimes limited resources and its much easier for someone to slip through. Usually a school relies heavily on past references for its background check. Criminal background checks are usually superficial. A "local" police check says very little, and only includes actual convictions. The sex offenders database in the USA/UK is more reliable then many local, and regional law enforcement databases.
In europe there is this HUGE misconception that INTERPOL is the authority but it really has a LOT of holes/gaps in it.
American schools are smart to cultivate a relationship with an embassies security officer/consul, as they will often gladly "look into" a new teachers background check. They cant tell you whats in it, but a subtle "you might want to keep looking" comment is all you really need. Its mostly true for other western/european embassies as well.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

Scary stuff. We all need to instill in our students the necessary skills to advocate for themselves and to provide safe ways to report bulling, abuse, etc. I do see a time in the future when background checks will be standard.
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Post by Danda »

I worked at a boarding school in New England and my Director there had spent 30+ years in the prep school circuit. When I told her I was heading abroad she said that international schools are full of "drunks and pedophiles." She mentioned that many of the drunks and pedophiles that had been let go from schools she had worked at went on to the international circuit. I'm sure there out there.
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pedophiles, perverts and drunks

Post by Roberto »

I have met numerous perverts and drunks and a few heavy drug users in international education but pedphiles have all been local staff. So far...
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