Psyguy: Open Letter #2

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Post by PsyGuy »

Actually its my old Bar review study guide.

Its not a freedom of speech (1st amendment) issue its the 1996 Telecommunications Act. It provides a safe harbor to content providers, who simply "pass through" content, and its an absolute immunity, so yes its carte blanche.

Im sure you do have proof, its whether a judge and jury find your proof persuasive. They may just as easily decide they just dont like you, and your beating up on a poor female teacher, and find against you. I dont know and you dont know what a court would ultimately find.

You could file a civil complaint in a British court, but your claim would be dismissed for want of personal jurisdiction on the defendant. Even if you could have them served, you couldnt compel their appearance, and if the magistrate was daft enough to give you a default judgement it would not be enforceable outside GB. Meanwhile youd have spent a great deal of money for the privilege of doing a whole lot of nothing.
Youd have better luck in GB making a criminal complaint alleging that her posts were assault, but then it would be up to the CPS, and they would most likely stick your report in a very deep dark filing cabinet.
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Post by sdak »

Please see the answers in the thread on ACS Doha. He knows not of what he speaks.

Where are the moderators on this forum?
Tater Tot
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Smart Man

Post by Tater Tot »

Psych Guy

THANK YOU for putting your time and effort into this forum. I think that YOU ARE the reason that this forum is so up to date and active. While many other similar venues are dead.

When I read the nasty comments about you I recall something my mother told me when I was a "know it all" in my first job...

[size=24]They just aren't smart enough to know how smart you are.[/size]

Keep it up. Some people can only do one thing at a time, while others are SO SMART they need lots of projects at one time to keep them stimulated. This is GREAT that you have chosen this blog as one of your many projects. Keep it up! And by the way- LOL I am a coffee SNOB TOO!
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »

Dear Tater Tot...

Have you really read all of his posts?!? Have you taken a look at the thread on ACS Doha? Have you read his comments about women in South America and about the entire Middle East region? His unethical advice to new members of staff about to accept a job? If you have done those things and can still make that comment then I despair...
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Post by PsyGuy »

They are interesting topics, and if your inclined by all means do read them. I'd also understand if it just wasn't interesting to you and you didn't. Doa isn't that interesting to me either. If your interested in the most attractive woman in the world issue (and that's a REAL issue) then you might find the brazil/south america thread interesting.

**UPDATE** Modified language for general audience.
Last edited by PsyGuy on Tue May 08, 2012 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reads

Post by Dunany »

[quote="PsyGuy"] If your interested in the hottest woman in the world issue (and that's a REAL issue) then you might find the brazil/south america thread interesting.[/quote]

This comment and others by this poster about women in general are offensive and belong on a loser singles website, not on one about international education.
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »

Dear Tator Tot,

I would love to hear from you...please restore my faith in humanity/the teaching profession...
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Post by nikkor »

My two cents- While I think that some of the points that people make about Psyguy have some validity, I would like to raise the question: So what?

You have well-defined, nuanced and progressive views of gender / race / or a region of the world, and Psyguy doesn't, big deal. There are tons of people out there who share Psyguy's views. Deal with it.

Did Psyguy ruin your life with incorrect or unethical advice? Well, I hope you at least learned a lesson from it. Don't be naive or stupid. If you are "new" and you are just going to believe everything you read, good luck with that.

If I sound harsh, it's because I'm tired of all the whining. It's threads like this that waste my time.

Oh, and I think the only thing worse than whining about him is idealizing him.
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »


I do completely understand your comments and frustration and I apologise if at any stage I sound like I am whining. However, I don't think I am naive or stupid. Of course PsyGuy has not ruined my life, but I guess I also find it difficult to let his 'incorrect or unethical' advice go unchallenged. Perhaps that is a failing in me...but then I do spend my day trying to help and empower students to do exactly this. Admittedly, I do hope that they will go after some of the bigger issues in the world...
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Post by MC1977 »

I believe that people are getting frustrated because they see this forum as something it isn't; this leads to anger when people leave a post that does not live up to their high standards of morality.

I do have to say that in my opinion this forum exists for people to leave THIER opinions and experiences. Of course there have to be some boundaries but for the sake of freedom of speech the bar has to be pretty low. Otherwise we start to censor ourselves to the point where the function of the site would be compromised.

Therefore, I see little point in starting a personal attack on one person. If they seem to fall below your perceived levels of professionalism or morality then challenge the issue NOT the person. By attacking the individual I feel you only sink to their level - one you seem to dislike so much.

Challenge comments with facts and opinions and let the reader make up their own mind. We are all adults and professionals so do not need opinions censored. If you can logically accept this position then you can no longer hold on to this anger - which of course comes from a benevolent concern for others but to me is misplaced.

I do find it all rather intolerant. Ah but 'where do you draw the line?' I hear you say. Well this is a very difficult question to answer but I do feel confident we are no where near it at present.

For what it is worth, that is my one and only comment on this as I too feel that these personal attacks are wasting too much time and space on this forum.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I actually have to disagree. Being open to discussion about whatever topic comes up on this forum, also means being open to the issue being personal to some people. We can no more justify censoring someones ideas, then we can their feelings. Some ideas are going to simply upset people, thats a reality. This forum isnt supposed to be some neutral politically correct, we cant say anything that might offend or hurt peoples feelings website. Otherwise wed only be able to say nice things about every school, and just about the entire paid side would evaporate. For example this thread, could easily lead to a discussion on ethics for international teachers. Do formal codes exist, should they, and if so what should they be. Those are all valuable ideas, that might not have otherwise come up.

I value every contributor, and reader to this forum, we need more participation not less. Being professionals also means being grownups, and having the courage and fortitude to face the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly in our profession. Im fine will generalizing a negative experience with a culture to an entire region. Im fine with discussing if thats fair or not. Im also fine with others condemning and criticizing me for that opinion. In parting as ive written before, this forum is akin to the gladiatorial combats of old, we are here to "duel" out the issues and ideas, and that process can "get messy" at times.
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Post by elfieldinho »

Honestly, this is just sad.
You disagree with the guy. Ignore him. Argue with him. Both valid options. Bleating and crying because he said things you don't like is more than a little pathetic. This is only exacerbated by the pompous, self-righteous tone adopted.
There is something very unsavoury about the way that some of you are ganging up here. You might want to think about whether this attempted bullying reflects particularly well on you. From where I sit I think you're not only making fools of yourselves, but behaving in a way that suggests that should Psyguy leave the site, it won't be long before you find someone else who just 'needs' to be told off.
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »


You disagree with me. Ignore me. Argue with me. Both valid options. Bleating and crying because I said things you don't like is more than a little pathetic. This is only exacerbated by the pompous, self-righteous tone adopted...and you wouldn't by any chance be telling me off would you?
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Post by mantissa »

I can see where his posts can rub people the wrong way, but he is also quite helpful at times. Can we just leave him in peace? Just don't read if you don't like his posts and let other people make their own choices. I am just against open attacks of any sort.
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Post by fke »

I agree. If you don´t like his opinions, then....DON´T HEED them. Don´t take his advice. But the point of an open forum is it is OPEN to everyone.
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