value of administrator evaluations?

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value of administrator evaluations?

Post by overseasvet2 »

I'm curious about people's impressions of the value of the administrator evaluations. Like others, I used to read them with interest to see who is out there but in past few months I have seen scathing reviews about two administrators I really respect. The reviews have been about personalities more than how well the person does their job. It just seems such a cowardly and public way to bash someone with whom you've had a conflict. Administrators can't respond because of confidential issues but teachers can get on and say whatever nastiness they want and then it's on this website forever. Are we confident our peers can wade through the obviously personal issues? How much damage does such a review really do to someone's career? I'm now beginning to doubt the validity of any of the confidential reports on here.
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Re: value of administrator evaluations?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="overseasvet2"]I'm curious about people's impressions of the value of the administrator evaluations. Like others, I used to read them with interest to see who is out there but in past few months I have seen scathing reviews about two administrators I really respect. The reviews have been about personalities more than how well the person does their job. It just seems such a cowardly and public way to bash someone with whom you've had a conflict. Administrators can't respond because of confidential issues but teachers can get on and say whatever nastiness they want and then it's on this website forever. Are we confident our peers can wade through the obviously personal issues? How much damage does such a review really do to someone's career? I'm now beginning to doubt the validity of any of the confidential reports on here.[/quote]


I don't want to get into the whole debate about personal experiences, but how do you know with 100% certainty that those reviews are not an accurate reflection of those person's experience with those administrators? Have you actually worked for them? Were you working for them at the same time that the reviewers were?

It's basically the same argument that went on on the blog. Is it fair to anonymously review schools/admin. on here? For me, the bottom line is that schools/admin. have all of the power. Perception is reality and if an admin, percieves you as negative or questions your abilities as a teacher due to personal issues or events unrelated to your performance in the classroom, then that is the reality they will put into your reference.

In many cases, writing a review on here is the only recourse that teachers have when they have been treated unfairly. That being said, it is a shame if teachers abuse the opportunity to bash schools/admin. as revenge, without facts to back up their complaints.

I wouldn't discount the validity of all reports based on this, especially if there is a pattern of reports across time and even multiple schools.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Ive been working on this a lot, but when i have my admin hat on im not the same person i am outside of school. Part of being an admin and being an effective leader is getting past the personality differences and on with the job. An admin who allows their own personality to interfere with their leadership abilities is as much a concern to me as the problem. A good admin needs to be able to negotiate those relationships, and if they cant thats a much a reflection on their abilities and cause for a poor review as anything else. When admins for ego or whatever reason are lazy and take the "highway or my way" approach thats not leadership. When they resolve personality differences with "Im the boss, or Im right your wrong" attitudes thats not leadership. Thats just an exertion of power, and says to a teacher (or parent or whatever) that i dont value our relationship and I dont respect you.

Its easy to get along with the people we like, the challenge of a good leader and admin is getting along with the people you dont like and keeping them from not liking you.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

Interesting thoughts, PsyGuy and I don't disagree with you. I'm just wondering how we all expect administrators to deal with those who are in the profession that shouldn't be. I worked with a music teacher who came to school smelling of alcohol and was mean and sarcastic with the students. He just about killed the music program at our school. I would not want my child in his class, or anywhere near him for that matter. Do you really think an administrator who would take on this guy's issues could come out on the other side with a positive relationship with this teacher, especially if it's decided the guy shouldn't return to the school?

I'm sure we've all worked with people about whom we've said, "I wish the principal would do something about...." If they do, they could then be blasted on this forum and their professional reputation hurt. No wonder so many administrators just ignore issues, especially in places where it's hard to recruit teachers.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I dont know if they could come out with a positive relationship with the teacher but I believe they owe it their best effort. Even in the end when its concluded the teacher shouldnt come back, in a situation such as that the teacher knows they arent there anymore because theyre the problem and I think (I can at least) read that in the tone of a review. An isolated report is one thing, but when admins start getting multiple negative reviews I see that as truly an admin who has a problem.
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Post by tdaley26 »

Overseasvet, if you disagree with the reviews you should post a rebuttal. I think that would give readers a clearer picture.

Actually, that my biggest gripe about ISR is the lack of good reviews. I think those teachers who feel they are in good or decent situations should post more. I think ISR does tend to be one-sided.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

Tdaley - good advice. It would be nice if more positives were posted. Could help people decide where they want to recruit...
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Post by PsyGuy »

I would welcome more positive teacher reviews, IF we could keep out the admin who review themselves.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

Pretty jaded, PsyGuy. Do you really think that happens much? If people think it does, then wouldn't that make any positive reviews irrelevant if everyone just presumes the admin wrote it for themselves?

I guess the key is, as many have written, to watch for patterns over time.
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Post by PsyGuy »

It would be less jaded if it weren't true, but you can usually read the tone when the admins write about themselves. It's all academic anyway, this is a voluntar forum, and people are going to spend their time doing what they are motivated to do, it's to like anything we say is going to actually inspire more positive reviews or even contributions.
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Post by Traveller1 »

Overseasvet I'd go with tdaley and say post a counter review. You'll bring balance to the discussion and give support to the person that's being reviewed.
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Post by specialed »

I'm going to agree with what Psyguy said, "this is a voluntar forum, and people are going to spend their time doing what they are motivated to do, it's to like anything we say ..."

I don't think anyone would disagree with his comment - if you do, you must be an administrator.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Not that being an administrator is bad, I have to say its been in the back of my head that at some point there might be a review about me on here, and its been a "dont be a jerk" influence on me, but I dont deal with hiring and firing people so im not the person that someones likely to have an axe to grind against.

Its been my experience that principals/heads dont really care whats said so much about them, but how whats said about them reflects on their school.
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admin reviews

Post by matt »

I value the admin reviews on this site since they provide some small window into an administrator's past track record in dealing with staff. However, an effective leader doesn't have to be well-liked to be respected. On the flip side, I've seen admin. that have that "nice guy" quality outside of school, but are woefully inadequate when it comes to taking a stand in the boardroom, making difficult decisions, and keeping their word.

We all have to remember that most admin. live by the "cover my own ass" creed and aren't willing to rock the boat if it means sticking their neck out. This is why horrible leaders seem to have the proverbial nine lives. They never put any of their transgressions on record and certainly aren't risk takers when it comes to making needed change.

I think the biggest indicator of whether or not an administrator will be effective is their longevity in the classroom. Those with little teaching experience do not take into consideration how their decisions will influence life in the classroom.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I've written this before but admins are just like everyone else at the end of the day, in that they have a job to do and have people they have to report to and follow directions just like everyone else. An admin who doesnt do what the board or owners tells them is quickly going to find themselves looking for a new job.

A lot of times an admin is really just the messenger, they said this and want X but the people above them said no, and now they have to go back to their teachers and break the bad news. It may look like they broke their word, or dont care/ understand whats going on in the classroom, when in reality they just werent the real decision maker.

A LOT of times teacher frustrations are the results of board/owner decisions and not admins.
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