Hyderabad, India

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Post by tdaley26 »

Actually, if you look at the posts I was not asking for the info. I actually do have a somewhat reliable source. A parent at my present school (who is also my doctor) is actually from Hyderabad. He knows the school well. It does indeed have a poor reputation.

By the way.... my name isn't Tom!!!!!
The Interloper
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Post by The Interloper »

Thank you everyone for your comments. The whole thread has given me an opportunity to examine many different p.o.v's about the idea of international teaching, related blog posting, and the "emotional investment" that goes along with it.

A few questions:

tdaley (NOT Tom) - can you provide any more details or put me in touch with your reliable source?

wrldtrvlr123 - what sort or reputation do the ISR postings have amongst (more experienced) international teachers?

psyguy - who did you hear a lot of your details from (i.e. former teacher, administrator, etc?). Also, please continue with the typo's such as "rouge admin" - I think they're hilarious in a strangely endearing way.

Wherever you all are, whatever your position, thanks for the thoroughly stimulating argy bargy.

The Interloper
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Post by PsyGuy »

It was nver far from the truth to begin with, yes they are serious and the school has serious problems. I dont have direct knowledge but the source is a direct, reliable and trusted colleague. This forum often discusses concerns, and opinions about schools and individuals in similar "seriousness".

Most teachers to the forum view this site and the review section specifically as a way of unload or dumping on a school or admin after a bad situation. There just really isnt an anonymous collection or other forum to do so. There are forums where you can read negative reviews, but you have to search through posts looking for relevant messages. Most people dont take the time to write about situations unless I fee they are warranted. That said emotions do run high, but admins really do have all the power both both currently and in their ability to direct our future. They get to "bad mouth" teachers with little fear of reprisal since their system operates best on secrecy. Ours operats best when its open.

To give you an illustaration, there was a discussion on AISHnet about a teacher who was leaving a school and during the teachers career their was an accusation of inappropriate conduct with a student. The school investigated and found that the accusations had no merit, and were really the result of a personality conflict. Understand this isnt to say the accusations "couldnt be proven" they truly were false, and the head agrees.
STILL, whenever the teacher submits an application that asks "Were there ever any concerns regarding your working with children?" (or similar questions to that effect), the teacher would have to say "yes" BUT, and even though the head offered to explain the whole situation and gave the teacher a great reference, and even offered to explain to any potential schools the situation. Many school heads that commented, stated they would never go or get pass the "yes" no matter what the "but" was.

The point is that what heads do regarding a teachers career, goes on behind closed doors. Even a glowing reference, when a hiring admin calls can be quickly reversed, and teachers are powerless to effect this. Even if you know, and the admin tells you to your face, what are you going to do about it? Your likely in a foreign country and newly unemployed, you probably dont understand the legal system, have a poor grasp of the language, and without money and soon to be withdrawn work visa, what would you do file a labor dispute, or lawsuit. Even if you did, how would you prove it in court? AND, win or lose youd have a hard time finding a new job, as an admin is going to be very hesitant to hire someone that causes legal problems.

Lastly, I dont even check the red underlined words, im not going to proofread the whole post.
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