
Open Communication
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Post by Open Communication »

[quote="specialed"]So what are we saying? Are we saying that Psyguy is actually the admin/owner of the site? The site is registered in Arizona (fits in with the Texas/California posting times). He says he is from a school in Denmark, but no school was at Search Fairs from Denmark. This also fits in with Psyguy's defense of ISR concerning the blog post about Indonesia.

Sounds somewhat believable. Thoughts?[/quote]

Which blog is that?
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Post by bigfatgit »

If I've got this right; according to Psyguy:

People send in their CVs
His school likes the CVs
His school asks the teachers to travel to Sydney
There, they are to book into the same hotel as the fair (but not as part of the fair)
They are then to meet up with a junior member of admin (teaboy?)
And, are then, expected to sign their lives away

Sounds great! Where do I send my CV?
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Post by hawkeye »

It’s funny Psyguy- as soon as anyone talks about something you can’t defend you launch into something that is totally unrelated- if you want to have some more D words- how about deception or deflection! The simple matter is you have been exposed as a fraud by more than one person. You weren’t at Sydney and you can’t even describe the hotel the Sydney fair was at. However, your best defence is to try and link two posters together and say we are the same person, because we have posted once at the same time. I am actually not Nick Kendell, but I do know him as I was at the Sydney fair, which I have said in my postings. I have not lied about being there which you have, nor have I tried to deflect the direct questions you have been asked. It’s all a bit sad. You have said before you will admit when you are wrong but this thread is a great example that shows you can’t admit you are wrong even when the evidence against you is overwhelming. It has been demonstrated that the hotel doesn't have a ballroom on the first floor as you said, but conveniently you just ignore that and continue with your fiction

I’m enjoying this though- as lots of other people obviously are., so good luck with your next posting which no doubt won’t address the real questions, but will try and perpetuate the fictional life you try to live. Let’s try and push the number of views up to 10,000 which no doubt will be a record for this particular forum. Also good luck getting an actual job in a reputable international school, because that isn’t going to happen! I on the other hand will go to my job on Monday, secure in the knowledge it is a real job where I will make a difference and not something that I have made up.
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Post by specialed »

Hawkeye, what are you talking about? Psyguy is a junior admin in Denmark. Of course he has a great job in Denmark to go to on Monday. There is a saying about arguing with a fool. We all know he is living vicariously and is living a fantasy life. Not much we can do to help him.

Psyguy, good luck and all and I do hope that no one makes a big mistake from your "fantasy admin" advice.
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Post by tck4life »

I took the liberty of a little investigative journalism of my own. Psyguy, much of the information that has been passed on to new teachers is not your "perspective" but downright false. I think the most egregious fraud is perpetuating this belief that you are an administrator and therefore qualified to look at their resumes and comment. Considering that you are also looking for a science job presently, it is unethical to pretend to be helping someone while scouting the competition. The interesting thing about terrible grammar is that it can create a pattern of writing that is instantly recognizable. If anyone on this forum would like to join me in browsing Texas Teachers.net there is a poster who bears some remarkable similarities to this one. Oh..except he claims to be an ESL teacher and consultant for C-scope. Of course those claims could be false and he might not really be presenting his "true" identity to his fellow Texans. Disturbingly, there is a lot of "advice" offered on that site as well, and as of January 2012 his time zone seems to be stateside. As for the ongoing blacklist question? Psyguy's silly claim that headnet is only an IB tool that he alone has accessed is false. As other posters have tried to explain to him, a form of headnet has been used by international educators who belong to AAIE for years. It's goal is certainly not to bash teachers, it was created for heads of schools to have a forum of their own, but if there were a teacher who was seen as being dangerous or unethical, I imagine they would get the word out. Perhaps he has no access to that site because, sadly it is only accessible to administrators.
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Dont think so

Post by PsyGuy »

No i think your the one deflecting, the ball rooms on the floor marked "1" and just like your black list its not going to change because you say so, i like how youve dropped the recruiters room position. I will keep this up over and over because you cant talk your way into making something true, and your claim that it isnt true doesnt make it so.

Its all really just a distraction, to "control" the newbies on here. This isnt an ethical issue, its a business issue, because while search may not care really care where a candidate gets their job since its all the same money to them, what they do care about is NOT getting paid by a school or recruiter, and missing out on their $1500, or $2500. Thats what its all about really keeping everybody afraid that their careers will be over, that they will never work again, and all doom and gloom. Youve been the one hijacking this thread, and creating the distraction. Its the classic defense mechanism if your position on the merits is weak, attack the person.

Im not concerned about my job on Monday, nor my professional future. Meanwhile keep peddling your fear mongering and personal attacks.

Postal Script: I love how a "new member" always comes to your defense. Its just so convenient,
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Post by PsyGuy »


Not exactly, first we didnt have any authority to actually hire someone. We dont do our recruiting (unless its a mid year replacement) until summer, as June 1 is the deadline for teachers who arent returning to provide notice.

Second, its not so much they fly to Sydney to meet us, more like if they are already from there, and its convenient, OR they are already going to be at the fair.
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Post by specialed »

Psyguy, how can you devote so much time as a junior admin in Denmark, while posting a whole bunch on another site (and this site)? How do you find the time? You must literally not sleep with the time zone differences and all.

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Post by PsyGuy »

Sorry, but its a big internet, and the only thing we have in common is the same screen name. I didnt read very much but he sounds like the kind of guy that would string up his own kids to get a little further. He seems like a business or finance guy who lost his job, and is trying to make it all up in education. How anyone could go into a room of young students and actively be against their interests I cant comprehend. I mean if you hate them so much why do it?

I joined this forum to help people, and i cant imagine anyone going into education who didnt actually like working with children and didnt have a passion for learning. Besides that, no one goes into teaching for the money, teaching isnt a fast or easy way to build wealth or get rich.
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Post by interteach »

Then why does he share so many of your typing/grammar eccentricities?
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Post by specialed »

Psyguy, maybe your account was hacked - just like in Italy. Since you are certified in Texas and do have ESL experience, maybe this is what happened again.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I dont know, I switched to California when my certificate was about to expire, before they changed the administrator certificate requirements, when all you needed was to take the SLLA, and I havent taught ESL for 6 years or so, but this guy doesnt even sound like a teacher.

People talk about what they know and what they do. We talk about our students, our jobs, administrators, our coworkers, because thats what we do all day. I dont get how this guy can be a teacher all day, and not have anything to say about teaching? I do some consulting over the summers, but i almost never talk about it because its such a small part of what i do professionally. All this guy talks about is his consulting work, at that kind of level of involvement its got to be all he really does. Theres an easy difference that you can see between soldiers in the field (real teachers) and the - and pencil pushers back at HQ (consultants). They both talk their own talk, and this guy isnt talking like a teacher.

Im guessing but based on his writing personality and views id guess he was a sales rep, and just saying he was a teacher, because i dont see anything in this guys writing that speaks to anything about teaching or education.
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Post by BocaJrs »

"Curiouser and curiouser..."

This thread has been worrisome, entertaining, and enlightening all at the same time. Just to add my two cents (not that it really needs any more opinions) as well as what I've learned:
1) An anonymous forum is a wonderful exercise in critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism is a must.
2)Who needs daytime talk show drama when you have ISR.
3)For all of PsyGuy's faults (real or imagined) he did breathe some life into this sometimes exceedingly quiet forum. Since I've been perusing this forum (about a year), there were times when it seemed just a few helpful and dedicated members (thank you, ichiro, wrldtvlr123, JISAlum etc!!) were regularly around. So, even if just to get people to refute and dismiss his posts, he has managed to encourage increased participation and that's a good thing. I hope this "controversy" eventually settles down but that people continue to post and share their experiences and knowledge.

-Over and out-
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Post by figure8 »

I find this entire thread highly entertaining..both Psyguy's continuous replies and those that opose him. Whatever the truth may be, it's interesting how much time and energy has been dedicated to this post. Do the big reveal already, or move on.
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Post by hallier »

I think that a lot of what PsyGuy writes is helpful (those cost of living threads, for eg) and he certainly generates a lot of interest on this forum.

However, it is very important that those folks who were asking him for advice based on his assertion that he is an IB coordinator and junior admin in Denmark now know that this is not true.

For that reason, the fact that this has become the most read thread in the forum's history is a good thing.

Of course, PsyGuy will no doubt insist that he IS an junior admin etc and that he WAS at Search Sydney and the posters, incl. the relevant Search Associate, are WRONG about the layout of the hotel etc.

For those Monty Python fans out there, you might want to have another look at the Black Knight sketch in the Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie.

For those who have been following this thread, have a look at it. I think you'll find it amusing and sort of relevant. Here is one link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjEcj8KpuJw. It's the last 2 minutes or so that this whole thread brought to my mind.
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