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Post by PsyGuy »

Sorry, I didnt say we actually did that, I was making an observation that, that could have been done. We didn't bring those kind of materials with us, our trip was very last minute.

We also as I discussed in a previous thread had no authority to actually hire anyone, so we didn't really poach anyone. Our hiring season doesn't start until after returning staff are determined, which isn't until June (unless we have some kind of mid year replacement)
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Post by liketotravel »

Psy when you in Kaoshiung were you in a buxibon or international school?
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Last chance

Post by hawkeye »

Two more mistakes about Sydney- there was no recruiter lounge…and the ballroom was not on the first floor. FYI- Everyone without a nametag was questioned by the friendly staff- can you name any except Nick? Can you name any candidates you interviewed? Can you name any other schools that were there that haven't been named on this board?

Last chance Psyguy. Walter followed my clues and found out who you were. If you keep insisting you were at Sydney, I'll post enough information to let Search and recruiters know exactly who you are. You should never work in a reputable international school, and to be honest, looking at your CV, there really isn't much of a chance, but I'm giving you a last chance. Come clean, admit you weren't at Sydney and don't work in Denmark, and I'll stop. It may already be too late though as other people may have already worked out who you are...
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Post by PsyGuy »

For reals is this the last chance, or the real last chance, or the super real last chance?

Being as how we werent registered its not like we would be introducing our selves to search associates. No one questioned anyone. If there wasnt a recruiter room, where could we possibly be that would require being questioned? A hotel guest in a hall way, or the lobby? Why would i name names, I like my anonymity.

The ballroom is on floor one, the first floor is "L" for lobby. There was a recruiters room.

Do I sound worried???

Postal Script: There is NO Blacklist.
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ok then

Post by hawkeye »

Wrong- the ballroom is on the second floor. There was no recruiter lounge

It's your career you are playing with. But as I think you really are not the type of person an international school should hire I'm going to post some more hints for recruiters. I'm not going to name you publicly but I am going to now post enough information about you that recruiters who have access to the Search database will be able to search the database and identify you. Well, I probably have done enough already as Walter has already found you. Well done Walter - I didn't think I gave it all away in my postings! Like I said Psyguy, you can have all the supporters on the board who are candidates, but it is recruiters who matter, and judging by the response from Walter and myself, we aren't impressed. The other recruiters can make their own decisions about whether they will hire you or not. Of course the Senior Associates from Search who are watching this board may want to take other action. I believe by posting the information you have from the Search database about jobs that are available through Search and school information breaks the agreement you have with them and I doubt you will be a candidate for much longer. So, for the guys from Search– I know you can track when candidates access school pages so he has posted school information from IS Manila on Sunday February 19 at 9:59am GMT, a variety of schools from Oman in January and also Moscow. If you check the dates of his postings on this board you will be able to work out who accessed those pages on those days and can really work out who he is.

For recruiters:

Senior Associate: Marie Bogat- he told us that already
First choice: General science
Second Choice: Biology
Third Choice: Chemistry
Fourth Choice: Physics

All first priority

High school attended

Anglo Chinese Junior College- ACJC- he you told us that already

Current position: training consultant

Check back to a previous posting for clues on his location and name.

Keep posting lies and I'll keep posting more information. I do feel a bit sorry for you Psyguy but you are doing this to yourself and I don't bluff. Say goodbye to your hopes of working overseas
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Post by PsyGuy »

Wrong the first floor is the lobby the second floor is marked the first floor, and thats the room the ball room is on.

Do I sound worried?
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Re: Last chance

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="hawkeye"]Two more mistakes about Sydney- there was no recruiter lounge…and the ballroom was not on the first floor. FYI- Everyone without a nametag was questioned by the friendly staff- can you name any except Nick? Can you name any candidates you interviewed? Can you name any other schools that were there that haven't been named on this board?

Last chance Psyguy. Walter followed my clues and found out who you were. If you keep insisting you were at Sydney, I'll post enough information to let Search and recruiters know exactly who you are. You should never work in a reputable international school, and to be honest, looking at your CV, there really isn't much of a chance, but I'm giving you a last chance. Come clean, admit you weren't at Sydney and don't work in Denmark, and I'll stop. It may already be too late though as other people may have already worked out who you are...[/quote]

Although I enjoy Internet vigilantism as much as the next guy, could we please take a pause for the cause? First of all, I am the first one to call Psyguy when something doesn't seem correct and have disagreed with him at length, many times.

I hope that no one would jeopardize someone's livelihood without being 100% certain that it was deserved. I suppose we could debate whether what has been posted here (true or false) merits blacklisting (oh, right, there's no such thing) or whatever passes for it. The bottom line is you have no way of knowing the real name of whoever is posting under that user name.

You believe you know and maybe even are convinced you know the person who went to whatver high school and taught in where ever and has 20 odd certifications. BUT, you cannot be 100% certain that Psyguy and that person in the Search database are one and the same.

And just to play Devil's Advocate, just because it does not say he is an IB Coordinator in Denmark in that file, that doesn't mean he isn't. Maybe he never let Search know about that job (especially if it happened outside of Search).

In any case, I have no way of knowing about the Search Sydney fair or whether Psyguy works where he says he does. He has always been consistent in those details across the 3 countries he SAYS he has worked in since I have been jousting with him.

Now as you were...Whiskey for my men..Beer for my horses....
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Post by PsyGuy »


Being as how i've had my account "vanish" hacked on this forum twice in the past, and do enjoy my anonymity, why anyone would think I or anyone would post their (my) "exact" resume in a public forum is beyond me.


Do I seem concerned or worried?

BUT.. thank you for finally resolving the black list question for us. It seems that this really is the only forum/medium you have of "black listing" someone, and it does not in any way shape or form constitute a list in any shade of grey.

You may never bluff, but then you actually have to hold the cards.
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Re: *Giggle*

Post by guru »


Being as how i've had my account "vanish" hacked on this forum twice in the past, and do enjoy my anonymity, why anyone would think I or anyone would post their (my) "exact" resume in a public forum is beyond me.

So Psyguy, we can deduce from this comment that you are actually admitting to lying about who you are and what you do? Interesting!!!!

Your petulant arrogance and continual denials with no substance to back up your comments is verging on ridiculous.

No matter how many times you repeat things, I for one am convinced that forum users such as Hawkeye and Walter have exposed you for the fraud you are and also as an incredibly confused individual.

No teacher who currently works in an international school could, or should have the time to devote to this site that you so obviously have. This is really quite sad when you think about it and you must lead an incredibly lonely life when all you have to fall back on is your persona that appears online.

My advice to you is to stop living vicariously through others, try and find a job that involves fiction writing and leave the educators and real people on the forum to listen to those who actually know what they are talking about.

Of course your unfortunate need to justify your existence will necessitate that you respond again, but once more this will just show how pathetic you have become.

Choice is yours, can you let it go and take the first step to growing up?

Or will you go ahead and respond, and prove me right?
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Post by PsyGuy »

I value my anonymity, and I never modify anything material or of substance, I am not however going to post my resume or real identifying information on a public website, thats just what people call "stupid".
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Post by hallier »

PsyGuy - You are right. Under no circumstances should you do anything to reveal your true identity. Given the damage you have done to your credibility on this forum, it would be very bad for your career prospects for anyone involved in international schools to know who you are.

The bottom line is that lots of people on this forum have been taking what you have posted as good advice based on the belief that you are a junior administrator with a lot of experience in international schools. That's not right.

I knew you were a fraud as soon as you posted your Search Sydney post where you said that lots of the teachers did not know where Denmark is - my god, the Australian who married into the Danish Royal family had just finished a royal tour of the country. Any Aussie not knowing about Denmark would be like an American basketball fan not knowing who that Jeremy Lin fella is!

If you feel the need to keep on this forum, you should stop posting as PsyGuy. Re-register with a new user name, and start posting without engaging in all this bull about being an administrator from Denmark. Just be yourself - anonymously!
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Post by PsyGuy »

Except I am a junior administrator, and do have a lot (though thats relative) of international experience.

After Sydney I no longer am surprised about poor geography skills. Knowing the current events of a country is not indicative of being able to locate it on a map.
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Post by hallier »

Ok - obviously I have it all wrong;)

But I will bite and put this to you.

The IBO site lists the 15 schools in Denmark that offer the IB diploma programme. Each school has an info page that names the IB co-ordinator. The names are either female or clearly from the region - Morton, Jitta, Anders etc.

This is not surprising given a local school would find it nearly impossible to employ a non-European.

There is only 1 male listed who has a name that does not scream, "I'm Danish!!." However, a quick look of the school's website reveals a pleasant looking fella who is in his fifties - not someone in his thirties.

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Post by specialed »

How is being an educational consultant a "junior administrator from Denmark"? Did I miss something? I still don't understand why you continue to play this game. Is this how you would like your students to act in science? You don't have to actually be there to observe and report on an experiment when you can make it up - that's what you are modeling.

I guess I just don't get it. You are making your future tougher and tougher. What we say online follows us whether we like it or not. Please start acting like a responsible educator. I know you have a lot of good qualities and I know you are trying to help people. How are you going to feel when someone follows your advice and really regrets it - based upon your being a junior admin from Denmark? Please stop and only state facts that you have first-hand knowledge of. I certainly don't know everything and it doesn't make me feel good to lie to others to cover it up.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@ Hallier

What part of "I like my anonymity" do you find confusing?


Thats why theres a slash between admin and consultant. I actually do consulting during the summer, but Im an admin now during the regular school year, so I dont have classes of kids. That said Im not pretending anything, so your not going to change my job, what i do, or experiences because you dont believe it.
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