Need information on several schools

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Need information on several schools

Post by bookcat27 »

I will be going to the San Francisco Fair in February. I am trying to find information about QSI in Solvenia, Uskudar American Academy in Turkey, The English Modern School, Doha, and the Al-Bayan Int'l Scholl in Kuwait. This is my first fair and I have been looking at the school reviews to narrow down the list.

I am excited about the prospect of teaching abroad but I need some help.javascript:emoticon(':!:')

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my thoughts

Post by matt »

I would normally stay away from anything QSI, however if you just want to get your foot in the door, work in a great city for a couple of years (Ljubljana) and then move on to bigger and better things, then you could certainly do worse than living in Slovenia. I've heard some not so great things about working in Turkey, including that there is only one decent school down there and it's in Istanbul.

How many years experience do you have? And what position are you looking for? That would tell us a bit more about the options you have.
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Hi Matt

Post by bookcat27 »

I have taught for 24 years with the last 9 as a Library Media Teacher. I am looking for a library media position hopefully at the middle school or high school level. My experience has been at the elementary level but I want to work with older students. I have never taught overseas but have traveled in Eastern and Western Europe, Mexico and South America. I am single.
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Post by matt »

So what are the openings you've seen for librarians out there? I'm not on the job hunt this year so I don't have access to the database. But I do know that when there are librarian (i.e. media specialist) positions out there, there are not a lot of candidates to fill them. You will have a good shot at getting a job in a respected school. For a lot of places, it will really depend on your experience with technology.
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Post by HoraceMann »

I can only speak to your question about QSI.

First, there are no openings in Slovenia. Slovenia is listed on the schools attending lists because that is where the HQ is. Positions seem to be filling quickly. Hope you have a taste for Central Asia, as that is about all that is left in any number.

Slovenia might be possible on your second (but probably third) contract, but not as an original placement.

Good luck,

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QSI Search

Post by PsyGuy »

At Search QSI was only hiring for asia. Eastern europe, HK, Italy were all filled and unavailable. Many people "waiting in line" were disappointed.
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