Jeju Island Korea

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Jeju Island Korea

Post by figure8 »

Does anyone have any experience with Jeju Island either as a visitor or having worked there?

I am very interested in a Canadian IB school opening its doors on the island this summer, but curious about this location as I have never been nor know anyone who has visited/lived there. Basically wondering if it would be a bit like living in a fishbowl, or varied enough to have a life outside of school the community.
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Post by MMMC »

The island is really nice and very easy to get around. Most people speak no English but are friendly. Also, pork is the choice meat there so many of the eateries will specialize in the pig. There's a nice beach town within the island as well as a sea world. There's also a nice museum. This is pretty much Korea's version of Hawaii with lots of Japanese tourists. On weekends, I'd walk alone to the spas late at night with no safety concerns. The bar scene is karaoke-ish. The driving is insane. Overall, I love the island and would work there again. Let me know if you have more questions.
Last edited by MMMC on Sun May 06, 2012 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by figure8 »

Thanks, MMMC.
I will see what happens, but good to know! The school and package are definitely intriguing. Annoying about the stares..I can imagine the homogenous element might get a bit tiresome after a while.
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Post by Tundra_Creature »

I visited there when I was an exchange student a few years ago. I can't say I received many stares (I also have darker skin), but then again, I was largely at tourist spots. It's a really nice island and I love their tangerines.

The weather is quite nice during the winter, but it does go down quite a bit. Enough to not to go swimming. Either way, I'd certainly go back as well. Lots of fun things to see.
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Post by TG »

If the Canadian IB school you are talking about is Branksome Hall Asia, then just a heads-up. I am interested also and the school looks like a great opportunity. Their website mentions Peter Kenny as the Managing Director. He seems to have good track record in that he appears to have opended Renaissance College in Hong Kong. By chance I was checking out a Linkedin account on someone else and his name appeared. I checked his account and it clearly shows he is currently the CEO of REO, and the past Managing Director of Branksome Hall Asia. If someone of his stature and reputation has walked away from the absolutely huge job of opening a new school, with the investment that has already been made, then the situation needs to be closely watched. It is unclear what BHA will do next. TG
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Post by gr8teach »

I'm quite certain Peter Kenny is still there...
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Post by figure8 »

Interesting. That's rather strange..will have to investigate.
When I saw Branksome Hall was opening a school on Jeju Island I figured it would be a great opportunity. Unfortunately they are not at the London fair, but will be having an open house in Toronto for those who live/will be in the city the weekend of the 28th. Pretty sure it will be quite competitive, but if he's left the post...
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Peter Kenny

Post by TG »

More info on Branksome Hall. Peter Kenny has modified his Linkedin info to the following, "Current CEO and Director of Branksome Hall Asia at Reach Education Organization, Past Managing Director Branksome Hall Asia at Branksome hall, Director, Global Projects at Education Advisory Services, Head of College at Renaissance College Hong Kong... " Previously the Current info did not state "of Branksome Hall Asia." Branksome Hall was at Search Bangkok but was very disappointing. They opened their presentation by stating they were only interested in candidates that had Canadian experience. About 2/3 of the audience got up and left. It seems this important piece of information would have been made available before the conference so that so many people would not have wasted their time.
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Post by gr8teach »

That's complete BS! They never mentioned they wanted Canadians at Search BKK. And absolutely no one left! I don't know if you have bad information or a grudge but that info is just not true.
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Post by TG »

Ad hominem attacks are usually taken when facts to support the attacker's position are not available. 'I don't like what that person is saying, so they must be either crazy or a liar.' I will provide some facts and you may interpret them as you wish.
The following information was provided to Search By Branksome Hall Asia: "How do you view hiring married teaching couples with dependant(s) - Makes No Difference." "How do you view hiring single teachers with dependent(s) - Makes No Difference." The presentation at Bangkok stated that they were not hiring candidates with dependents. The presentation also stated that due to legal requirements of the agreement with the school and South Korea they could only hire candidates with Canadian passports since they are a Canadian school.
The school is not yet open. The information provided to Search states: "Approximate End of the School Year - 6/30/2012, Approximate Reporting Date for New Teachers - 8/30/2011, Approximate Reporting Date for Returning Teachers - 8/30/2011." These dates obviously do not apply to Branksome Hall Asia, but why place bogus information about your school? Enrollment numbers are identified as may be approximate, which is very straightforward. The estimates of K-5, 400; 6-8, 400; 9-12, 400, Total=1200, appear to be reasonable guesses. The estimate of total staff is 140, which also seems reasonable. However, in December Branksome Hall Asia only had 31 positions listed on Search. This appears to be a large difference for a school which is opening in 8 months. Are they estimating a total of about 300 students to begin the school year 2012-13?
During the presentation questions were asked about the school facility. The response was that the pods were not complete and that the school may open in September or possibly January. There is no information on Search about the school opening possibly being delayed.
One obervation, if a recruit provided information to Search, or during an interview, with as many discrepancies as this school provided during their presentation, that recruit would be banned from future fairs.
I would be interested in PsyGuy's observations since he was at the Sidney fair and Branksome was supposed to be there also.
Finally, I like the vision and concept of Branksome Hall Asia. I think it has fantastic potential. However, this part of the process seems to have been handled poorly.
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Post by gr8teach »

I was at the presentation and never heard anything about not wanting to hire people with dependents. In fact I have a friend who has dependents and was offered a job there but opted for a different more established school. The school makes no bones about the first few years requiring some heavy lifting.

They mentioned in their presentation that the school will open in phase (just as North London Collegiate has). They plan to only have 400 students the first year, hence to need for fewer teachers in the first year. They suggested they could require more if more students register but they would be higher later in the season.

They also plan to hire educators as both dorm parents and classroom teachers. Overall I was very impressed with their package, presentation and admin team.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Wish I could help you, but they just werent on my radar. I was pretty much occupied, but they were on the recruiters list. I didnt attend any presentations. I dont remember hearing anything about them, which in itself might be an issue. Generally at the fairs people speak up about the positives and keep their mouth shut about the negatives (or only whisper them in dark corners) especially in front of the recruiters (such as myself). Its really been an eye opening experience being on the other side of the table. Regardless, i didnt hear anything positive about them (but nothing negative either).

New schools (startups) often have logistics issues to begin with, and Im sure Search know that a lot of their profile is guesses and estimates. Whatever name you want to call it, I dont know of a school that ever started at full capacity. 34 faculty for a school of 400 is doable assuming you have only 1 maybe two programs. For instance its fine for primary because there is no departmentalization, but running a MYP program with only 34 faculty across 5 grade levels would be a stretch unless you scaled back the class offerings. Figuring 6 periods a day at 20:1 ratios each teacher sees 120 students a day. Juggling the ratio and the periods youd need 4 teachers per core subject. Plus an equal number in electives and support subjects. Thats a staff of 32'ish.
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