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by PsyGuy
Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:44 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251385



You dont. Its an IT whining vs. whatever the HOS of the IS says. Youre best option is to ghost it.
by PsyGuy
Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:33 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: AI and Future Job Security
Replies: 10
Views: 90917


Parents will need their children supervised, monitored, and some level of proctoring for assessments, so there will be job security, but less and less of the edus job is going to be engaged in knowledge transfer and instructional tasks. CMI has already seen a lot of advancements, specifically in the static learning domain (push), reading, lecturing, visual elements, AI brings in the dynamic elements (pull), asking and responding to inquiries, generating supplemental material. That really only leaves intervention, studio, and experiential (tactile/manipulable) learning left for an edu.
by PsyGuy
Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:51 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: AI and Future Job Security
Replies: 10
Views: 90917


Weve already seen this happen as CMI (Computer Mediated Instruction) has grown more advanced and content education software more robust. Whats going to happen with AI is the job of an edu is going to change with the edu serving more in a facilitation and supervision role: monitoring student behavior, keeping students to a schedule, maintaining classroom decorum, and proctoring assessments while the AI is handed off more of the instructional tasks.
by PsyGuy
Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:43 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: What's more valuable...
Replies: 4
Views: 38570


Of the two you inquired about, and all other factors being equal or removed (rarely are the other factors equal), Content is more critical than Curriculum. ISs can teach/train curriculum, and as curriculum evolves over time there is typically some degree of curriculum training that happens regardless of how cued or knowledgeable an IT is. An IS cant make you a scientist, mathematician, artist, dancer, musician, etc. if you are not already in possession of those KSAs. The sending side of the classroom isnt the place to develop those. ITs and ISs have weaknesses and strengths and its a matter of recruiting an ITs strengths that fulfill the ISs weaknesses. It may be that an ISs science department has the upper secondary core courses of biology, chemistry, and physics covered and well staffed and what they need is an IT who can teach to 11 and 12 year olds that is both engaging and experiential, (which really comes down to 'fit') and having a well developed understanding of the curriculums scope, sequence, alignment, etc. as well as advanced content knowledge is less crucial. Kids are pretty good at susing out an IT who lacks competence since its often reflected in their confidence. They cant answer questions, they stumble over vocabulary and their lessons are little more than page turners who follow the text.
by PsyGuy
Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:27 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: 24/25 Job Search
Replies: 11
Views: 112399



Its still early, but many ITs like to think of themselves as unicorns and that they are competitive for Early recruiting, when they actually arent.

Its mostly about 'fit', and what that means for a particular IS and leadership is something rather unique to them. An IS can assess competency and proficiency in content knowledge, and they can teach/train curriculum, what they cant do is make an IT a different person.
by PsyGuy
Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:23 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Job fairs Question
Replies: 1
Views: 24255


Some people still do, but the more recruiters/leaders have become comfortable with virtual recruiting the more it has proliferated. At one time (not that long ago actually) locking a candidate in was among the top priorities of ISs that were actually recruiting (not just tentative recruiting, first night, meet and greet, unicorn hunting, pool padding, or show and tell). Thats changed relatively recently. Recruiters/leaders arent in as much of a hurry to close their positions at any one fair, like they were in the pass where each later fair resulted in a smaller and lower quality of candidates. The have just improved and increased their applicant pools utilizing digital/virtual tools, such that their applicant pools are considerably larger. Essentially the fair isnt the primary source for recruiting anymore its the consolidated applicant pool including their sizable number of direct applicants.

The trend in recruiting is moving more towards group/team interviews and these are difficult to arrange during a fair. Leaders would prefer getting the input that comes from multiple perspectives that is easy to arrange through virtual conferencing.

While a recruiter/leader can refer you to a later round of interviews post fair, youre under no-obligation to cease your search efforts. You dont have to cancel interviews, or do anything. Absent a contract or a LOI/MOU youre still a free agent.
However, sometimes, and its not uncommon a post fair round of additional interviews can just be a soft rejection. The additional interview never happens or your notified some time later the vacancy has been filled. It decreases the likelihood of confrontation and minimizes frustrations.

Make no mistake though, only offers matter. If you leave the fair without a contract its because no one wanted you. If you interview with 10 ISs and 5 of them never get back to you, 4 of them write you a rejection, 1 recommends you to a second round of interviews, and 1 says "they are waiting on another candidate they will let you know", you have nothing.
To that end many recruiters/leaders dont even bother with rejections, you just never hear from them again.
by PsyGuy
Fri Nov 10, 2023 6:48 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: 24/25 Job Search
Replies: 11
Views: 112399



Were really seeing thaw from COVID. Theres a greater number of vacancies but also a larger pool of ITs recruiting. As a whole its marginally disfavoring ITs because of the stall in IS growth during COVID. Theres an opposing position that COVID saw a greater increase in edus leaving edu entirely reducing the overall global pool of edus but for the most part those numbers leaving were not representative or concentrated in IE. Specifically lower tier IS enrollments are growing faster than typical resulting in staff expansion that will slightly favor ITs, but modest reduction in upper tier recruiting (this isnt a 1:1 scenario, the third tier is much larger than the first tier).
by PsyGuy
Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:26 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251385


Have you already resigned?
Whats the labor environment in your region? Are there strong labor rules/laws/unions?

No one can force you to resign. You have a contract for services and compensation that binds you and the IS. You dont have to take their poo sandwich because its the only thing they see fit to serve you. If leaderships lack of planning and design leaves you in a position where the role you agreed to doesnt exist, thats a them problem not a you problem. They can either pay you the coin to make the position happen, or assign you to other tasks and roles. What they can not do is just discard you because their idea didnt come to fruition. This is hard for ITs to do because we have a climate where youre not allowed to say no. Its insubordination, its not being a team player, and the big one, its not in the interests of the students. The reality of the matter however is that this is business and you have a contract of performance that you and the IS have to abide by. This is of course highly contingent on where you are and what protections and rights you may have. There are regions like China where this would be hard to make work, and then you have places like the WE where youre very likely to be successful. However, success might be much less than getting your position reinstated, you may only be entitled to something like 30 days comp, or something equally minimal.
If you havent resign yet and you refuse to do so, youre going to lose any good will or "help" the other leaders are offering. Its going to become a you v. them situation.

I dont feel these other leaders are really on your side. Talk is cheap, actions matter. Sympathy and an empty sack is worth an empty sack. A positive reference is just a given. No one is getting on the phone or sending off emails to find you a position somewhere else. Moreover even if they were they could make some kind of position for you where you are, even if it was something like instructional support or permanent substitute/relief IT. They are offering you consolation, nothing more.

No one cares about your child. No one cares about you either for that matter. They are just trying to discard themselves of you in the least damaging and least expensive way.

The position you were appointed to doesnt exist now. You should have not been poking the bear all this while, just sit at whatever desk/office/room you had until someone approached you. Its to late for that of course.

Youre not leaving mid-year for another job. You havent secured one of those yet despite whatever 'help' leadership is giving you. Youre just unemployed. Are they giving you any severance or is it just the reference?

First, where are you, and whats the status of your visa? It doesnt sound like you have a place to go. If you can stay where you are than start looking for whats available locally. Start with whatever ESOL might be available.

Second, as to your resume either ghost the position or list what would have been the contract dates for what the position would have been. Add a note that position was dissolved if you must. You need to explain what happened and the best time to do that is going to be at the interview, with those glowingly positive references.
At this point I would be remiss in addressing if those references really were or are going to be overly positive. You may be in the situation where their expectation was that you were going to develop the position and your role by taking the initiative. That they couldnt define the position and so you were going to define it for them. They waited three months and all you did was ask what to do. They may really feel that you lacked core competencies to make the job what they envisioned it to be. Those references may very well be a a dagger in your back.

The HOS as well as the entire leadership team sleep very well at night. If youve resigned youre not a problem competing with the real problems that havent been resolved yet. They all have other things to think about and contend with. If you havent resigned yet youre still a problem just not an overly dominate one competing with their other issues. Most people are just too busy with their own personal issues as well as other work related problems to concern themselves with you.
by PsyGuy
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:45 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Teaching to Admin back to Teaching?
Replies: 2
Views: 33723


What leadership role are you seeking?

HOS/Executive leadership roles are either recruited for in the year prior to the appointing recruiting cycle or during early recruiting in the current cycle. Late winter/Spring is way to late for anything except an urgent appointment. Theres just too many issues and concerns to ask a new HOS to hit the ground running, it happens and its been done but its far from an ideal scenario.

If its senior leadership than it depends a lot on the position/role and the current demographics of the leadership team. An AP/VP/DP in a small IS who is the only other leadership member, that also is a position that Executive leadership is going to want to take their time with and to have them inplace they are going to want to do that early (again baring an urgent hire).
Its not much different with a larger IS that has a heavier leadership team where roles can be consolidated or workload dispersed among the current team members. Its not uncommon to absorb/dissolve a position and count the savings as an accomplishment by executive leadership.

Its not really early for leadership vacancies as the SA leadership fair is coming up in a week. If youre not hearing from anyone its because your resume doesnt have a lot of value yet and ISs are confident there is better value they will identify. Situations arent going to get critical enough until February/March. The issue of course is that by then youre going to have missed the Early and Peak recruiting time for IT appointments.

Leadership roles in IE are defined by reports, peer deliverables, or resource budgeting and allocation.
There are 3 general avenues into leadership:
1) Grow In: You start at an IS as an IT, you work well with leadership, parents and ownership, and then when there is an opening you get the job because ownership trusts you and leadership and parents like you. This pathway is faster at lower tier ISs, where there is a lot of turnover and longevity often means your only one of the few staff to renew.
2) Work In: You get a M.Ed in Ed.Ld, you add a credential, you build some leadership or management experience and you work your way up into leadership. This may and often requires some work in DE. This is the pathway that accounts for the majority of leadership. Candidates were leadership in DE, and they were hired as leadership in IE.
3) Edge In: You make friends and build a network, maybe you marry into, but someone in ownership likes you and gives you the job, or someone in leadership helps you get into the job. This is the least common path into leadership.

The issue with your second scenario is thus three fold:
1) While you can do anything for a year and not have it effect your resume in more than a trivial way, beyond that your skill set starts to get dated. Its a matter of perception the more time you spend away from leadership roles, tasks and activities the less you are perceived as being a competent and proficient leader. Leadership is a very different skill set from IT/instructional roles. While you will grow and master the skill set of an IT during your long tenure there, youre leadership skill set isnt getting any better, and its not growing in title or responsibility.
2) Youll fall through the glass ceiling. Once youre in leadership moving about in leadership is much easier to do, getting 'in' to leadership in the first instance is the hardest part of getting/breaking into leadership. If you step back to a classroom role you will be crossing that threshold and become an IT again, you did that already by moving back to the US to get into leadership, if you leave for an IT classroom position you will essentially have to break into leadership again.
3) Since your focus is only on Tier 1 ISs for classroom IT roles, not only is your resume very lite for leadership roles at that tier of IS but you will very likely finish out your career in the classroom. Theres simply not a lot of room at the top for mobility in leadership. Leaders that get to leadership in those tier of ISs tend to stay until they retire out making for a very long cycle of maturation/turnover. Youre going to be waiting forever for a vacancy to open up and when it does youre resume as a leader isnt going to be any better than it is now.

Ive written this often but you dont have any decisions to make until you have options. There is nothing to say you cant do both, you can apply for IE vacancies at both IT and Leader level roles. Once you have an idea of your marketability than you can apply what ever metrics or schema you use to determine what to take. In the meantime you dont likely have to give notice to your current DS until much later in the AY.

Its probably to late for you to realistically put travel together and leave to attend the SA Leadership fair (in SG), but that would be my other suggestion. Youd need to leave in a week and youd likely need to take 3-5 days of leave to account for travel. To be worth while you would need to have already gotten a positive reception from ISs attending that fair, as going cold might be exciting its not likely to be productive in the way youd be happy with.

The other option and its the stronger one as written above is to stay where you are and build leadership experience moving into roles of increased responsibility until you have a competitive marketable resume for IE leadership roles (at the tier and location you want)
by PsyGuy
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:06 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: 24/25 Job Search
Replies: 11
Views: 112399


Early Recruiting is just starting. Yes it creeps earlier and earlier every year and while there are some positions being filled many ISs that have posted vacancies, etc. are just building their applicant pool, its screening activity.
by PsyGuy
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:02 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: 'Normal' full time teaching load in Secondary
Replies: 17
Views: 161511


So one less holiday than typical, or at least part of one holiday.


Its very likely in the contract or in the policy manual, or at the very least a clearly communicated expectation and not one where there have been many resignations over.
by PsyGuy
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:58 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: COVID Vaccination requirements in Thailand, Singapore, & SE Asia
Replies: 4
Views: 20722



Maybe just get the COVID vaccine and then put your time into more worthy pursuits.
Youre never going to have complete assurance anyway. Even if a government entity doesnt require vaccination an IS on its own can at anytime enact a new policy requiring any vaccination, and government positions can change overnight. If an IS announces a new mandatory vaccination unless you have some documentable medical condition that prohibits or is contraindicated for vaccination no excuse otherwise is going to be acceptable. They will say your non-compliance is a safety and health risk and dismiss you. Being a conscientious or religious objector or anti-vaxer isnt going to save you. They will just roll their eyes and point you to the exit.
by PsyGuy
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:49 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: deposing IBO
Replies: 4
Views: 17237



You dont understand it nearly well enough and the timeline very clear. They IBO really promised you nothing and didnt owe you anything. You disagree with their interpretation of their policy, then made a nuisance of yourself and nothing further was to be gained by communicating further with you.
They dont need a compliance officer.
by PsyGuy
Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:10 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: deposing IBO
Replies: 4
Views: 17237


A whistleblower complaint? TH has no whistleblower protection. The closest it gets is some witness protections, but theres no such thing as whistleblower protections in TH.
Truth, in the public interest, is a defense to defamation in TH. This might apply to your case, but who did you report the issue to? The IBO regional office in Asia is in SG. SG doesnt have better defamation laws, and it probably doesnt matter to your IS as they are going to pursue their issues in TH and its going to cost you a lot of coin to defend yourself.

I dont think you understand the IBO whistleblower policy. First, its not law, its a policy, and this policy is discretionary, there is no enforcement mechanism you can invoke because you dont have a contractual agreement with the IBO. A contractual agreement is the general cause of action for you to get into court so that you can move for a deposition. Even if the policy was an obligation to you the policy is very weak, the IBO states that disclosing the identity of the complainant may be necessary depending on the appropriateness of the complaint. At best the IBO can engage their inspectorate and could potentially withdraw authorization, but thats the IBOs remedy. They cant do anything else, and they wont engage in disciplinary actions or employment grievances. They will instruct you to contact a legal practitioner to pursue any claims through appropriate labor laws, etc.

So what would you hope to gain by deposing the IBO. Youre in a conference room, the camera is rolling, the reporter ready, oaths administered. You ask the IBO representative if they disclosed your identity to the IS upon receiving your complaint. Even if they answer yes, even if you get the smoking gun, so what? You have no legal protections as a whistleblower, and the IBOs policy clearly says they may disclose the identity of the whistleblower when appropriate, and they believed it was appropriate. You have no remedies, and you have no cause for damages. If you wrote the IBO and asked about an irregularity you want to report and some IBO representative wrote you back that they would not disclose your identity, and then they did you might have a cause of action that you could argue youve suffered damages from, but you dont have that. You have your interpretation of a policy for a whistleblower that is not supported by any legal protections.

Of course they arent communicating with you anymore. Its probably unproductive arguing. What more is there to resolve by continuing the conversation.

CIS accreditation isnt accreditation. CISs evaluation process is nothing more than an external validation that what an IS claims to be doing they actually are doing.
Regardless they arent going to do anything and neither is a US regional accreditation body. Nor would Ofsted for that matter. Assuming the IS is a member of such an accrediting/inspecting organization. These organizations concern themselves with implementation and execution of the academic standards and program, nothing more, and the bulk of their efforst are focused on examinations as opposed to instructional tasks and activities. Very few complaints even those the IBO receives, are of an academic nature, and of the ones that are its often discovered its the IT who is really the fault in the violation, since its very difficult to find evidence of the violation from ownership or leadership.

The other organizations (International Schools Association of Thailand and the Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian) are just clubs that ISs join. Their allegiance is to the IS not the ITs. Even in the extraordinary scenario that they would be in any way interested and pursue action the worst they can do is drop the IS as a member IS, which amounts to little more than one less logo on the ISs webpage.
by PsyGuy
Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:08 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: How Desirable Am I
Replies: 6
Views: 33431



The LW has already spent a year OS in an IS, they arent a noob.


The fair effect is still a thing, though not as much as it was in the past. Candidates get offers at fairs, that still happens. Whats changed is the increase in recruiters/leaders wanting to "wait" as opposed to locking a hire as early as possible. It used to be you went to the BKK fair if you could get an invite and recruiters and leaders wants to fill vacancies at that fair and then move on to the other historical super fairs and their respective regional fairs. Each later fair was considered a step down, so in general the ITs you found at LON and then BOS and etc. were lower quality than the ones you found before it (big broad brush with that statement, there were and always have been other factors of course). Of late though your finding increasing numbers of recruiters/leaders at early fairs (BKK, etc.) waiting for later fairs (BOS, etc.) before making an offer/offers. There are a lot of dynamics happening at fairs but the primary two driving effects involve feeling stress and pressure to not leave with nothing (you dont want to feel like a loser if you spend all this coin and time and leave with nothing) and the loss opportunity pressure of signing now (the offers only good now/a few hours/today and then its gone). This increasing trend of waiting means those pressures increase. Ive seen all too often ITs sign with hardship location ISs and lower tier ISs because it was better than leaving with nothing and hope/promises. Why do leaders/recruiters do this, because as they have become more comfortable with online recruiting they have increased and opened up their applicant pools. They have less a pressure to sign an IT early because the fair gave them an idea and a poo of candidates they can turn to later. Most ITs are very indistinct from each other, the salient factor they focus on is fit, so if a recruiter walks away from a fair with a handful of candidates who will wait, there really isnt any loss for them.