Search found 52 matches

by Candycane
Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:25 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Spring break dates changed because of coronavirus
Replies: 5
Views: 11733

Re: Spring break dates changed because of coronavirus

Yes, you have the right to be upset. However, I wouldn't necessarily tell admin about it or ask for reimbursement for changing travel plans. You're not the only person going through this. Your Admin is going through a lot too, making decisions to deal with this. It's my Spring Break this week and we have been asked to not leave the country because we may not be able to return. If we could return, we'd still have a 14-day quarantine. I'm not going anywhere. There was only 1 case here when admin decided to ask us not to travel. There's now 20 cases and growing each day. Covid is unpredictable and these are the unprecedented times that we are living in right now. Nobody is enjoying this and you are not the only one being majorly inconvenienced by it. A lot of people are being put out and losing money on canceled travel plans. Try to stay positive and not complain about it too much. I'll keep reminding myself to do the same :-P
by Candycane
Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:10 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Why has recruiting become such a Gong Show?
Replies: 8
Views: 19066

Why has recruiting become such a Gong Show?

I’ve been in international teaching for over 15 years. I went though a recruiting cycle this year and I cannot believe the changes I am seeing! I do not understand the hiring patterns now nor do I understand the shift in behavior from recruiting agencies as well as recruiters themselves. Has it become this way because the market is saturated with more teachers now? Have recruiting agencies just become so profit-focused that they don’t care about quality anymore? Are schools just overwhelmed with recruiting now? Are school recruiters feeling the same as I am?

The follow experiences below lead me to ask these questions:

1-Attendance at a job fair that advertised as being “very competitive” yet there were so many inexperienced teachers without much experience (local or international). It appeared to just be one "big, overcrowded, cattle call" where the bottom line was just profit. Don't recruiters have a limited number of invites anymore? Clearly anyone with a pulse and $$ was invited. This just makes GRC more attractive for my next recruiting cycle. If GRC plays their cards right and arranges a fair in January, they can probably get a leg up here in this market?

2-A text/email blast halfway through the “competitive job fair” basically said, “Didn’t get a job here? Come to our next fair in *****!” This was in VERY poor taste!! It's clear that a group that advertises itself as having a personal touch and caring about its clients has now become blatant about their bottom line.

3-Schools ghosting teachers has become the new norm? This is never OK ... I don't care how busy you are!! Common courtesy after an interview (or two) … when a candidate thanks you for your time/consideration in an email, you should at least respond. I had two schools do this after two promising interviews at a fair (it’s been almost three weeks since our last interview/my email). Recruiters (or anyone else) should know better.

4-Has anyone considered having a couples fair first? It seems that most schools want to hire couples first so why not just have a fair for couples and get it settled first instead of trying to do all of the calculating and shuffling at once? I had three schools tell me they offered to a couple. One contacted me days later saying the couple didn’t work out and requested another interview. Another school continued to update the position and post it as open.

5-I know of more than one couple that has a substantial amount of overseas experience in reputable schools but have not secured positions yet (late January-two kids). I know of one couple where the wife has not been able to find a position for over a year now (no kids). This will be her second year unemployed while her husband has a job at a school. None of these people have bad references or any reason to not be hired. Yet, they haven’t been. Some have offered one spouse a position but not the other. Is this happening more? In the case of an opening for only one spouse, I've seen schools just put the spouse in a temporary opening just so they can hire both. Not the case with them.

6-A lot of positions still remain open. Are schools hiring later? During recruiting cycles before, it seemed that a lot of more positions were filled in January than are now.

7-One school that told me they hired someone for the position that I interviewed for continue to have the position listed as available. They have updated the opening recently. I know there could be a lot of reasons why this could happen .... I was still available when they updated the position so I questioned it.

Thanks for reading my long post and any responses you share. Even though I did find a new job, I’m unhappy with the process that I had to go through to get this position. I want to understand this shift in the recruiting process. It didn’t used to be such a Gong Show :-P
by Candycane
Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:01 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: Advice needed...
Replies: 5
Views: 15837

Re: Advice needed...

Apply for jobs ... I don’t think your situation will hinder you. If there’s an opening, they’ll want you. Especially later in the recruitment season. Which is now! Best wishes!
by Candycane
Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:46 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: Interview Red Flags
Replies: 5
Views: 15883

Interview Red Flags

After completing several interviews, I have had to review interview red flags to watch out for. Here are some that I had to remind myself about:

1-The interviewer talks in circles, seems scattered and leaves you feeling unsure or confused about very direct questions that you asked.

2-There isn’t a clear job description.

3-The interviewer doesn’t show up or is late and then doesn’t apologize.

4-The interviewer seems manipulative or shows predispositions to being overbearing (a bully).

What are some of yours?
by Candycane
Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:30 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Recruiting over break
Replies: 4
Views: 7648

Re: Recruiting over break

I’ve had several interviews during the break. Some of these interviews were the week of Dec 11 and 18. I received an offer the week of Dec 18. I’ve had two interviews the week of Jan 1. The school that made an offer is not a top tier school and is attending Search BKK Jan 8th. The school I have been interviewing with in Dec and Jan is a top tier school. I’m hoping for an offer from them before the BKK fair Jan 8th.
by Candycane
Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:32 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: My Marketablity -44 year old American Male
Replies: 10
Views: 15866

You Definitely Have Marketable Skills

I would encourage you to sign up with a recruiting agency and then go to a later job fair. I like Search Associates, but there are others out there. I feel that they are pretty much apples and oranges. Some people will discourage paying the money for a recruiting agency and job fair. I like Search and their job fairs. It's up to you; however, you need to get on it ASAP if you plan to look for a job for next year. You've got loads of research and work to do!!
by Candycane
Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:03 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Best international schools : Which country, continent?
Replies: 8
Views: 8754

I agree with PsyGuy. It is totally subjective.

I actually spent a lot of time researching and ranked over 100 schools on this site with my own personal ranking on a scale of 1-10.

What I consider a miserable placement might be not-so-bad for another. I found myself in a miserable placement in a country where I found the people to be awful. Others strongly disagree with my opinion and dream of living in that place.

I don't mind working hard and working beyond the school day. However, I know some teachers that would be miserable having work cut into their social life/personal time.

I also like a school that has structure and functions under a well-established procedural operation. Others might find this to be a miserable restraint and lack of flexibility.

You are going to have to do alot of research to answer this question. I also think starting with IBO exam scores would be a good place to start. I would look at the reviews on here and research the schools yourself as well.

Good Luck!
by Candycane
Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:41 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Retirement Savings Options
Replies: 5
Views: 7653

Off Shore Banking

Thanks PsyGuy! Could you elaborate on one or two of those options? Maybe give the name of the countries or major bank branches you are speaking of? I would be happy to research more on my own.

Are you able to easily keep those accounts when your residency expires? What I have been told is that I cannot maintain a bank account when my residency expires. Also withdrawing/transferring large sums of money is difficult and there are significant charges.

I have looked into Swiss accounts as well. Those aren't necessarily secure, but seem to be the best of the lot. I don't know. I am hoping to learn more about this.

As far as EU accounts, which countries allow you to have bank accounts without EU residency? I went through hell to get my bank account when I lived there (and I had residency).

Right now it is looking like just putting my money into my US savings account is the best I can do.

I don't plan on staying here into retirement. I will probably move on to another country in the next 3-5(?) years.
by Candycane
Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:24 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Retirement Savings Options
Replies: 5
Views: 7653

Thank you Bob!

Thanks for the reply Bob! I will look into that. However, what do you do when your salary is not taxed due to a tax treaty? Currently I do not pay any taxes due to a tax treaty. What are my options beyond a Roth or IRA?
by Candycane
Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:56 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Warning Signs : Tips & Advice
Replies: 7
Views: 8093

Red Flags

1-Watch out for schools where they just LOVE you immediately and want to hire you spot on. If they don't really ask many questions to get an idea of your competence or abilities and seem eager to offer a job right away BEWARE. An interview should ask questions that actually query whether you would make a good fit for the school or not.

2-Never, ever pay ANY money to get a job!! Not one cent!!!!

3-Ask questions about SpEd, such as:
*Do SpEd students receive in class support? (from teachers/assistants?)
*Do you offer speech and language or OT services for SpEd students? Are these done on campus or provided by outside service providers?
*What is the continuum of services offered for SpEd students?
*What would you say would be my biggest challenge servicing SpEd students at your school?
*How does scheduling accommodate for collaboration between SpEd/Reg Ed teachers?

You'll get a pretty good idea of whether the admin knows anything about SpEd and that could give you pretty good idea about what your potential service expectations could be. Do the same for ESL. Make a list of questions that will give you an idea of services provided.

4-Beware of schools that tell you (at a job fair) to not accept offers from any other schools just yet. I had a school tell me to "hang on" and then never offered a job. They're not supposed to do this, but it can (and does) happen.

5-Schools that don't give things in writing. Anything they are offering at the job fair to entice you to sign on with them should have that package already listed in a legit contract for you to sign at the fair. Verbal agreements about housing, utilities, flights, etc could end up being a major disappointment later. Get it in writing!
by Candycane
Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:31 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: USA Taxes?
Replies: 22
Views: 23117


I don't know about the other stuff you mentioned (business owner, owing money, ec.), but if you qualify as an overseas resident, you can easily file using the 1040 and 2555 EZ.

Every year I file a 1040 and 2555 EZ. Simple enough :-)

Good Luck!
by Candycane
Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:23 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Retirement Savings Options
Replies: 5
Views: 7653

Retirement Savings Options

I'm curious to hear what others are doing for retirement savings. I was looking at investing my money into a Roth or IRA; however, the money put into those accounts have to come from taxed income.

Currently, my money is just sitting in a savings account. I would like to get more interest on my money. What are my options?

The stock market intimidates me and I would have to have help investing in it. I really don't want to gamble with my savings, I just want to draw interest on it.

What are you doing with your retirement savings to get the most out of it?
by Candycane
Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:25 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Quality of the Job or Quality of the City?
Replies: 11
Views: 22068

My 2 cents

I would say go for a city you love. Afterall, outside of work is where you can escape work and have a life. Even if the school is awful, you can leave work and have options for enjoyment. An awful school can be sooo frustrating. However, a nice social life and activities and travel outside of work can make it bearable.
by Candycane
Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:32 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: family pressure
Replies: 15
Views: 20668

It's funny

My family and friends do not understand how I could leave the comforts of the small town USA I was brought up in. However, they are the same people that are always in awe of what I experience and wish that they could enjoy the same things I get to experience. It takes a lot of guts to leave the comforts of the known and move into the unknown. You just have to accept that these people will never do that. It's scary as heck but you guys are definitely seem to be up for the challenge. Your family will be fine in Beijing. China is a great place for families. Most likely, your family will be impressed with the enrichment it provides for all of you! As far as when a crisis hits a country....who knows. If we did, we'd all avoid them (even in the USA). FYI-China blocks Facebook so have to pay for a proxy server to get it there.
by Candycane
Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:38 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Is it just me or are there no jobs right now ?
Replies: 7
Views: 11308

I was hesitant too....

I have been in and out of the international circuit for 10 years now. I had a stint overseas in 3 countries and then went back to the US for 5 years. I am now back overseas for just over 2 years.

I am 38. I left the US for my first teaching gig when I was 27. I am a single woman.

I was just recruited last year to a VERY good school. I have done my time in not so good schools. However, all of them have been rewarding in one way or another. It's the nature of the beast.

You could very well end up at a not-so-nice school. Do your research and try to get into a good school; However, there are still good smaller "unpopular" schools out there. There are also some pretty bad schools where you can end up saying you had the time of your life. Who knows?? It's all a part of the game. We all go through this.

I think if you go to the fairs, you will figure out a good match and be better informed of what you'll be in for (hopefully). We all go through this when we take on a new job in a new country. We obsess over how our life may be there.

The nerves of picking up and leaving everything familiar, we all understand. It's hard to weigh the known with the unknown.

My experience at the job fair in Bangkok was wonderful! An investment I will never regret. I just made an extended holiday of it. If you're spending loads of $$ to get there (Europe to Asia), may as well make the most of it! There were loads of jobs in my field (SpEd) and I felt very satisfied with the whole experience.

The deceiving thing about the fairs is the uncertainty of openings. Most will be posted in December. This is so much earlier than it was 10 years ago! Thank you, technology LOL When you get to the fair, openings will be added and deleted. Again, nature of the beast.

There are plenty of jobs to be had. I think your bigest dilemma is whether to go to a January fair or a February fair.

OK....I have rambled on enough...

Best Wishes....