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by ExploringIS
Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:55 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Ready to Make the Jump - Seeking Advice/Info
Replies: 1
Views: 2877

Ready to Make the Jump - Seeking Advice/Info

Hello all. I have checked in on this forum here and there for years as my wife and I have debated making the shift from teaching and admin in the US to International Schools. I tried some keyword searches for my questions and didn't come across much so I apologize if these questions have been answered in previous posts. Really, I'm just looking for some info on a couple topics to start with. Some quick background info: I am currently a middle school principal (going into my second year) with four additional years of MS and HS admin experience after a ten year teaching career. My wife has taught MS Math for ten years as well. I am looking for a leadership position and she would continue to teach math. With that being said:

1. If we are looking to apply for positions starting a year from now, what should we be doing in the interim besides researching schools, regions, cultural differences, etc. to prepare for the hiring season and possible move?

2. How would you describe students and parents in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan (in general terms)? Extremely supportive of teachers and staff? Moderately so? Not very supportive? Essentially, we're trying to get a better idea of what behavior in the classroom and communication with parents looks like.

Thank you all for supporting each other on this forum! I have found it incredibly helpful and informative over the years.