Search found 23 matches

by milesaway
Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:00 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Search Associates - white people only?
Replies: 18
Views: 40187

Re: Search Associates - white people only?

Of course I think racism has played a role in you being denied their services...
You are definitely qualified, and it sounds like you might be from the UK this might have also played a role in you being denied. They can't charge you the high fee that they normally charge others because of the laws in the UK prohibiting search firms from charging fees. I also think that if you told them you were interested in a specific role, at a specific school...they weren't going to waste their time helping you...they can't charge you the fee and you are only interested in one role at one school.

I would contact the school and send your information to them, explain that you tried to register with Search but were denied...even tell them you think you were denied because you just wanted to apply to this position.
by milesaway
Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:42 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: deposing IBO
Replies: 4
Views: 22416

Re: deposing IBO

Sorry I don't know what IBO stands it the International Baccalaureate?
I commend you for reporting the school and good luck.
If I was you, I would report the school to the other organizations that they are accredited with such as CIS or WASC.
I would also report this school International Schools Association of Thailand or the Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian.
by milesaway
Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:39 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: GRC now for profit?
Replies: 4
Views: 35017

Re: GRC now for profit?

Do you have to pay to register or join? I haven't received any notifications from them about changes to the format, needing to pay or it being under new ownership.
by milesaway
Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:39 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Internationally-minded American school districts/systems?
Replies: 16
Views: 151927

Re: Internationally-minded American school districts/systems?

Lots of thoughts in regards to your question and your narrative about Superintendents. school to my knowledge is meeting any standards of DEI or let me add no school is meeting any of the needs of their students or supporting their teachers. Same with corporations who do the same lip service.
-You are delusional if you think a Superintendent is going to have the direct answers to questions about fighting in your school...if your Superintendent had the answer then he/she would be a rich person because all schools would be seeking their guidance in dealing with this major issue.
-You are misinformed about what the role of a Superintendent does within the system or have great expectations that cannot be met by anyone. Superintendents are so far removed from the daily functioning of a school in their system...this is also the norm...this is also how the system unfortunately has be put together. In big or small school districts...the Superintendent has really moved to playing politics with the community and the board and requires a magic wand when it is time for budgets
-You should really research why it is so hard to find qualified Superintendents of any race or gender...they are leaving like teachers because the system is stacked against them and until the mindset of the taxpayer changes...nothing will change.
-The idea of an international mindset or curriculum in American schools is so far from the reality of what is being taught in our school systems...we don't need to think that way...we are the best country...we don't need to think in international terms...people look to us for the answers and we are the model...NOT
-The role of our schools in America is no longer about just teaching...we have gotten away from allowing teachers to walk in and just teach. Schools now and teachers in these schools, are expected to provide all types of free services to students that should be provided by either the government or the school system in the town I live in, but I don't work...needs to provide breakfast when school is in sessions, free food packs for students on the weekends because they are going with out, support for clothing, support for counseling...these are just few of the things that teachers and schools provide that interrupt what the purpose of a school is for...academics. A vast majority of parents in our system look to schools for all the answers, but provide zero support when needed.
Comparing an IS to a public school in America is just not realistic, what we are dealing with in IS is not anywhere near to what American public school employees are dealing know this, you have to know this after working at both, or people would not question whether you did...95% of IS are serving the wealthy of that country or area...and when parents spend that kind of money on their child's education they get involved and they are some cases in America, you can't find a parent if a child is causing an issue or at least when they are found they don't care.

PsyGuy-has a delivery that isn't always the most positive or welcomed, but he has every right to add his two cents and to question you intentions. Telling him to not reply or that you are not interested falls into censorship and leads some to believe you only want to hear the answers you already have in your head.
by milesaway
Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:50 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Stories of Success
Replies: 14
Views: 105767

Re: Response

PsyGuy wrote:
> 1) Dumb Leadership that makes a nuisance of themselves. Not that I dont
> have dumb leadership but at least they are quit about it. In the past Ive
> had dumb leaders who didnt really know anything but needed to prove
> themselves or convince themselves or others they had value to add with a
> constant stream of emails and meetings that centered on some nonsense they
> read about collaboration or some new technique they got from a website.
> 2) Average students who think they are exceptional. More often its the
> parents who think their kid is exceptional when really they are just
> average. Having followers or likes on social media doesnt mean you know
> anything. The idea that anyone who is an adult cant possibly understand
> your unique form of angst that troubles you so. Its hormones, and your
> frustrations arent unique, ITs understand, we just dont really care all
> that much, get your work in on time. If you got half or most of the
> questions wrong on the last assessment its not the IT its you.
> 3) Parents who cuss you out and then threaten to sue you because their
> little darling is a dull witted miscreant. Less so the problem than the
> parent who thinks the entire job of an IT is only their child, and I should
> have invested 100% of my time and efforts into their childs success,
> because as parents they cant do it, dont have the time to do it, or have
> more important priorities than their children growing into adults. Parents
> who think that everything they cant or wont do falls to ITs to do.
> Parenting your child is not my job.
> 4) Colleagues who shouldnt be in the classroom but havent been promoted to
> leadership yet. In DE these would be the DTs that teach by lecture and then
> use worksheets and packets for everything. In IE its more ITs who are
> popular and fun but dont really know their subject very well and use
> activity to disguise a lack of competence. These are the ITs that are
> always doing presentations, posters, debates, role-playing, peer teach,
> group teach, and other 'projects' because they consume instruction time and
> slow down the pace of content material presentation.
> 5) ITs whose field is mostly play. Visual art, theater, physical education,
> library, esthetics, and because IB has been a recent topic CAS, etc. Who
> think their class and subject is as important as maths, science,
> literature, history, economics, etc.
> 6) ISs that dont understand the importance of environmental controls. If
> your IS is in a country thats essentially jungle like conditions in terms
> of humidity and climate and you only have ceiling fans that dont always
> work and dont have air-con, you hate ITs. Same goes for regions that are
> associated with being close to wear Santa lives, but ITs have to regularly
> wear their coat in class, you also hate ITs.
> 7) Secretaries and Receptionists that act like they run the place because
> they really do, but play stupid games like making you sign out a key to
> access the faculty toilet. Requiring every print job to be released by
> them. Having a log sheet for the faculty refrigerator. Creating an
> individual budget for non-inventoried office supplies on top of the
> classroom budget thats actually mandated by leadership (seriously having to
> count the number of paperclips and whether they will be returned or not).
> Dont get me started on copier rationing.
> 8) Documentation requirements that are asinine. Its easier to just pass a
> student than complete the paperwork to fail them that requires the IT to
> create an intervention plan to improve the students success and identify
> where the instruction failed the student.
> 9) Pretending a student is dyslexic or ADHD instead of recognizing what is
> an obvious learning or cognitive disability.
> 10) Being consistently late with salary payments, unexplained deductions,
> or implementing a fine system for trivial or perceived infractions that are
> not in the contract.
> Having an obscure enough role that requires about an hours worth of real
> work that might actually matter for a full days coin plus OSH benefits.
> Somedays I have to ask myself what my job is, and more often than not the
> answer is my role is a total resource leech in a bloated system.
> Dont confuse what you do with being who you are.

I often respect a lot of what you have to say on this blog, unfortunately this is not one of those times. After reading this, several things come to mind...
I hope you have only a few years left till you retire, you sound like a miserable teacher and I am sure that reflects in the classroom and with your peers.
Anyone who thinks so highly of themselves to downgrade another subject, must not respect the entire process of education for a student.
I wish I knew what school you work at so I could avoid it.
by milesaway
Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:40 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: American Board Certification
Replies: 2
Views: 19972

Re: Response

PsyGuy wrote:
> PMs are disabled on the public/open forum.
> There are two certificates involved one is the ABCTE certificate itself
> which is what you get after completing the online American Board
> Certification program. The Second is, you can use ABCTE as an EPP/ITT
> program in a number of states and obtain a credential if you meet the
> requirements. The major issue is that ABCTE doesnt provide a field
> experience directly. This means your credential from these states is going
> to be a form in the category referred to as permits/permitted credentials
> as opposed to a regular credential. These permits are of limited duration
> (about 3 years), are not renewable, and typically require you to obtain a
> teaching position working in that state, as your DS will have to sponsor
> your credential (permit). This usually isnt a burden an IT can accommodate
> successfully.
> This leaves the ABCTE certificate itself. There are ISs that will accept
> the ABCTE certificate as a working credential. Its not a small number of
> ISs either, its just that youre not likely to get out of the third tier
> based on an ABCTE certificate alone. You have some very marketable
> (academic) qualifications, and a credential would augment your resume in
> your favor, but the ABCTE program isnt going to do that. An IS willing to
> hire you with an ABCTE certificate alone would likely hire you based on
> only your degree qualifications.
> While the cost is very attractive compared to those of Teach Now or Teach
> Ready, you can use those EPP/ITT programs to obtain a regular Professional
> grade credential. If you just want a certificate than ACSI offers a much
> less expensive alternative (USD$75). You can get an MA Provisional (Entry
> grade) credential thats a regular credential by taking a few professional
> edu exams.

Thank you, I knew you would have a good answer.
by milesaway
Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:02 pm
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: American Board Certification
Replies: 2
Views: 19972

American Board Certification

Hi, I am wondering if this certification is accepted at most international schools? I tried to PM Psych guy, and know he will have the best answer, but it would work or he doesn't accept them.
FYI, I have a BA, MA in Education Leadership and MS in International Ed
by milesaway
Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:56 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315461

Re: Discussion

secondplace wrote:
> PsyGuy wrote:
> > OR after you sign, you can honorably, choose to go, not to go, or go
> > somewhere else.
> >
> > Contracts arent pacts, vows, oaths or promises. They are a document that
> > clearly communicates the terms and conditions of obligation and
> > responsibility between parties, including how failure to perform those
> > obligations and responsibilities is defined and the consequences for those
> > failures. They are agreements of communication, nothing more. Nothing
> > requiring your character, integrity or soul be put forward.
> Still asking - are you happy for both schools and yourself to act in this way?
> xx

Of course no one wants either . to not honor contracts. I have personally experienced a school not honoring the contracts that were signed. When Covid started, the head of our school SELECTIVELY chose to honor some contracts and to dismiss some...she used it has a means to punish people who she did not like or did not fit into her little world of what the school should be like. Even SLT, like myself had their contracts voided. She made some people actually return to China and then after a month told them she was dismissing them...all, like myself, had signed three year contracts. None of the teachers or admin did anything wrong or warranted being forced to resign.
Witnessing the complete lack of care that this woman had for her teachers was just amazing and in the end she paid a huge price. The school's reputation suffered and she eventually lost her job. I was like you before this happened to me, honor the contract you sign and even if the school changes things in the contract after signing it, you should still honor it. This changed for me after this incident, the consultants, the search firms and the school board ALL turned a blind eye to what was happening to people...but if we had done it, we would have been banned from firms and told that we would be penalized.
Each case is different, do I think you should sign a contract and continue to look for a job that might be But I don't think a person has less morals if they do it.
by milesaway
Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:08 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: International teacher Marc Fogel in Russian prison - please help!
Replies: 46
Views: 238441

Re: Discussion

PsyGuy wrote:
> If you havent been following the US made a trade with Russia, the US gave
> them an international arms dealer, nicknamed "the merchant of
> death" and the inspiration for the Nicolas Cage film "Lord of
> War" and the US got a basketball player, Brittney Griner. So the
> lesson of the parable is if you have a wicked jump shot be a pro athlete,
> and if you dont, be an arms dealer, but whatever you do dont be a teacher,
> because a teacher isnt worth as much as a basketball player.

This statement says so much about you and less about how this "trade" went down. You usually deal in facts and yet you seem to have complete thrown out any factual information on how things like this have played out.
by milesaway
Mon Dec 05, 2022 11:08 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Living On Campus
Replies: 14
Views: 45196

Re: Living On Campus

Sorry, I misread that salary part. I also assumed it was for a teaching position...I made a lot of mistakes in my first reply. If this is for a leadership position, whether it be mid or senior, I would pass. When I moved from teaching to leadership, I learned the hard way that living on campus with people you are in charge of becomes very difficult. Even for HOD or mid level, some teachers cannot separate work from real life, in fact that can be down right mean. I have lived through this myself as an observer and a target.
The more you explain your situation, the more I would encourage you to pass on this position.
by milesaway
Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:29 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Living On Campus
Replies: 14
Views: 45196

Re: Living On Campus

I have worked at both boarding and day schools. Neither have really allowed the 100 % privacy that I craved within the community, in each case I was often judged by my participation in social events outside of school or non-contractual events. I have found that as I have gotten older this has changed and because I am a single male my involvement with such things has not been expected and the criticism of others has decreased.
You have stated that it is a good salary and will provide you with the needed career developments you desire...but to you that comes at a cost of having to live on campus. You have been told by other faculty members that the apartments are nice and that the need for privacy is met.
The chances of you attaining all of three of these criteria...good salary, privacy and career development are becoming less and less in the IS community.
What I have done in the past is really set boundaries. Accept that gossip will be in the community, accept that judgements from others will be given and accept that you will need to maintain some relationship with those living in the building whether you like them or not.
by milesaway
Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:21 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315461

Re: Morals and Contracts

I agree with Psyc, you owe them nothing. I have seen way too many schools not honor contracts in the last two years, cancel contracts or just change contracts to suit their needs. No consideration is taken for the teacher or their family....this goes for non profit or profit.
If you got this job through a search firm, that is a different deal and that puts you in jeopardy with them and your future search prospects if you ever use them again.
by milesaway
Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:43 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Preparing for China next Fall while abroad. Work/Visa docs. Job Hunt
Replies: 13
Views: 25430

Re: Preparing for China next Fall while abroad. Work/Visa docs. Job Hunt

What I meant to say, is that as a Math teacher with certification and not two years, you would have trouble, but this year you would be attractive. Mainly because of the subject and that you are certified.