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by Nangu
Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:02 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Re: Resignation and reapplying help

Heliotrope wrote:
> You made the right decision not ghosting the school.
> They're *ssholes for making you leave mid-year, as not many vacancies will
> have a January start. Giving you excellent references is the very least
> they can do, especially since you simply deserve those.
> Maybe you can look at schools where those two SLT members worked at before
> they moved to your current school, since their recommendation might go
> further at those schools?
> You might want to try international schools that follow the Southern
> hemisphere school calendar, but not many of those around (South America has
> a few decent options). The downside is that it's hard to transition back.
> Maternity cover roles or replacing teachers that pulled a runner at schools
> that follow the 'normal' calendar could work. With a child in need of
> education that would be better than waiting until after the Summer to begin
> a new job then.
> Have you signed up for Search, ISS and/or Schrole yet?

Thank you for your reply and support, it means a lot.

I have asked the SLT to put me in touch with colleagues, I am trying everything. Some of them have. It will mean relocating again, which will not be easy as we have just settled into our new home (shipping recently arrived) and life has been up in the air since August. But if we have to do it again, we will.

I am keeping my options open at the minute, applying everywhere. Signed up to Search (lovely people!) and will attend job fairs. Schrole s is pending, haven't heard of ISS, will search that now!
by Nangu
Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:58 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Re: Resignation and reapplying help

Dear expatscot, thank you for your message, I really do appreciate your view.

I have been directly told by SLT that the decision is not theirs and they have fought against it. Its has come directly from the Head, a person who has never observed me or even been in my classroom. Something bigger is going on here and I, along with all other staff I've spoken with are none the wiser. I imagine SLT have a clearer picture, but are keeping professional.

I am in Thailand, thats all I'll say.

They have used the probation period as a get out clause, however with no real reason and nothing but accusations which they cannot and will not back up, they have asked me to hand in my resignation. It is essentially constructive dismissal.

I asked the Head in our one and only meeting about this 4 weeks ago if I could stay on at the school in a back of house role so my child doesn't not have disruption, they said the decision would be considered. Heard nothing yet. Also dropping me at xmas is a pretty low blow, my child is so involved in all the xmas activities and happenings inside of the school with new friends and I am trying my best to be positive and attend all the festive appointments with merriment, whilst worrying myself sick that we will actually be homeless and skint as of January.

I have so far applied to around 50 jobs worldwide with January starts and had nothing but rejections. I have a really solid CV and work experience, only thing that would count against me at this stage is this recent episode. They really seem to have no moral conscience. Like the person above said, they couldn't care less about me and my child and what becomes of us after we leave them.
by Nangu
Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:32 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Re: Resignation and reapplying help

Hi Heliotrope, thank you for this.

We are both still at the school until xmas and will leave thereafter. I have put forward requests for sevarance, for my child to keep attending etc and they said they would get back to me. This was 2-3 weeks ago and still not a word. I am completely in the dark about everything.

They are clearly not doing things by the book. I am keeping quiet as I need the salary payments for these next 2 months.

I don't want to ghost the school. I believe on balance it looks good on the CV, it's a top international school and I have done very well to get here. I have 2 SLT members who I know are going to give me excellent references as they are in constant talks with me about the next step and are actively supporting my me in looking for roles.

Despite the whining, the way they are handing this, dropping my child and I after we have relocated our whole lives to be here, should, on moral grounds serve to justify what an awful school this is. Fundementally messing with an innocent child's education and complete life stability. I really wish there was something more I could do about this.
by Nangu
Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:31 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Re: Resignation and reapplying help

So how do I explain the gap?

Also the references I have are for when I applied for this back in March 2023 so they are old now and I will need to get in touch with my ex employer and ask for them again.
by Nangu
Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:54 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Re: Resignation and reapplying help

I just wanted to edit and update:

Our school had an inspection this week and an unplanned/unexpected lesson inspection In happened to have impressed the panel very much. This was fed back to SLT and filtered back to me unofficially. I am clearly doing something right here, even more so in my circumstances, where lets face it, I'm not working to full capacity.

How do I put a positive spin on leaving this place to a prospective employer? They have treated me awfully, but I can't go around saying that. Normally, I would have stuck it out and put up with things for the sake of my CV.

Advice please as I'm applying now and need to land something decent for January 24!!

Thank you.
by Nangu
Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:52 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Re: Resignation and reapplying help

Thank you for your detailed reply, I do appreciate it.

You are absolutely right, the school doesn't care about me or my child. I am not in a country that affords my rights being upheld in any way, the school has autonomy here in this setting and there is no legal framework to enforce or support me.

I will keep applying and endeavour to be as positive as I can be.
by Nangu
Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:23 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Resignation and reapplying help
Replies: 15
Views: 251384

Resignation and reapplying help

Hello everyone, I did not think after so many years of hard work that In would ever be in this situation, but here I am and I would appreciate the experience of this forum in guiding me.

I am currently 3 months into, what on paper, appeared as the job of a lifetime. I am now in a situation where I have been forced to resign my post in an awkward "they are helping me" stance. This decision has been spearheaded by the Head of school and unsupported by the 3 other Head + 2 deputies who have been working with me since my start date. It is unjustifiable and the school has not in any way followed correct protocols. What pains me most here is not the job, it's the school place they are pulling away from my child, who left everything to begin a new school life this year and has just settled in.

I do not believe the position I applied for will exist after I leave, it was not set up properly and did not match the job description advertised. I have been working in isolation since August and every approach I've made since then for clarity has been met with "we don't know, please be patient as we are restructuring and we will get back to you."

I have endeavoured to remain positive in this situation. My SLT have apologised profusely and want to help me in securing a new job, with gushing references etc. BUT, the black and white of it remains as I'm moving mid-year and ultimately, what are the reasons for it?

Any advice you can offer me here would be much appreciated. I have sent out CVs and applied to multiple jobs with no response. I am fully aware of how bad this looks, but the reality is the school is disgraceful and I don't know how that headteacher can sleep at night.

I look forward to your replies.
by Nangu
Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:11 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: International teaching after career break
Replies: 7
Views: 14530

Re: International teaching after career break

Ok Psychguy, i get it. Makes sense. I appreciate your advise.

So, say I delayed 2nd child and secured a job for this coming september committing to a 2 year contract, which seems to be the norm for region, what would my options be to extend my family once in the post? Do they offer maternity packages? Would I end up loosing my job and having to take another career break?
by Nangu
Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:44 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: International teaching after career break
Replies: 7
Views: 14530

Re: International teaching after career break

Interesting response psychguy. Yes we are married. I am also Arab by ethnicity so know the cultural climate well in the countries outlined.

Understand what you are saying about the school having to accommodate us and being more expensive in that respect, but couldn't I negociate to have some of my accommodation paid for or subsidised rather then get the lot for free as part of the package?

We are making the move for better quality of life rather than financial. Our aim is not to save scores of cash, but to live our lives happily in a setting where we can balance work and life in a culture that suits us.

I am not going to stop my family planning for this. The option is either to apply with a career break or go back to work here in London after ive had my children and gain more experience in order to apply, if thats what i need to do.

Have heard of so many women with 'dependants' getting international jobs just fine, some as single parents too! Anyone out there with a similar experience they can share? -or another perspective?
by Nangu
Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:06 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: International teaching after career break
Replies: 7
Views: 14530

International teaching after career break

Hello everyone,

This is my first time on the forum, so forgive me if this topic has been covered before.

I am a UK citizen and have been teaching secondary here (in London) full time for 2 years. Prior to this I did my PGCE year and before that 2 years of inclusion/sen work within primary and secondary schools. I have always wanted to teach internationally, and it was the sole purpose of getting qualified.

Now, to my question.... In the past year I have been on maternity leave after having my first child. We (my partner and I) are thinking of having another one soon then making the international move. But after a 2-3 year career break, what are my chances? Are the any slimmer? Should I go back to work for another year after mat. Leave to impove my prospects?

Our first choice of location is the Middle East, namely Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai (in that order) as we have friends there and my partner could easily find employment in his field.

Any advise or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!