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by NYCteacher
Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:16 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Should I apply? When?
Replies: 21
Views: 23427

Thanks again for the insights. It really is helpful.

This information is actually making me rethink applying to the IS circuit though. While I came into (special) education not really knowing what to expect, I've discovered that what I find the most satisfying about the job is the social justice component, meaning that I get to help provide equal education opportunities for populations that are historically under serviced. I honestly don't know if I could tolerate working in an environment of privilege. They can always find someone else to pay to educate their kids right?

I understand that private schools have a business to run; and it just kind of reinforces why I think schooling should be public (not that the US system is working out so swell right now, but functional education systems are possible). Education was meant to improve society as a whole, not just benefit private citizens. I thing being taught among heterogeneous peers (in all senses of the word) is vital to becoming a productive and empathetic citizen. In college, it always amazed me how, as a white person growing up in the rural South, I had more genuine race and class interactions than white people in diverse cities like New York. (Why? I had a public education and they went to privileged private schools.)

Anyway, I'm just going on a rant now. I really do appreciate the information everyone. I guess I need to find another ticket to getting a visa overseas.
by NYCteacher
Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:09 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Should I apply? When?
Replies: 21
Views: 23427

Thanks again for all of the input everyone. I really do appreciate it.

I feel like sped is just a very peculiar certification in a lot of ways because it is so different everywhere (even from school to school let alone country to country). I guess it would be interesting to hear what the sped environment is like in different countries, different tiers, etc.

What exactly does Learning Support look like? I have not heard too much about it. Is it like a SETSS (push in/pull out) program in the US? What skills are valued in these positions?

Even more broadly, what are the general responsibilities of Sped/Learning Support teachers in different areas abroad? The paperwork and the run around here is often times incredibly asinine, to the point of hindering more than helping students, I think.

Thanks again!
by NYCteacher
Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:57 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Should I apply? When?
Replies: 21
Views: 23427

First of all, thank you BookshelfAmy, shawdowjack, and psyguy for your responses. I really appreciate it!

Now for answering your questions:

In terms of my teaching load, it is a bit strange because of my special ed certification. My NY sped certification does not narrow down the content areas I'm allowed to teach, so essentially, I am allowed to teach pretty much any subject. I request sciences because that is what I enjoy the most. Currently, I teach a block schedule (4 periods per day + advisory) where I have 1 class of physics, 1 class of Humanities, and the other bock I rotate between SETSS in pre-calc (the 4th block is a prep).

Last year, I taught 2 biology classes, 1 earth science class, 1 English class, and a field science course. Most of these classes have been co-taught with a general ed teacher (the ICT environment for Sped is popular in NYC secondary schools).

The reason I am not already certified in science is because I graduated with a BA rather than a BS. Between high school and college I have taken upper level science courses in most topics, but not enough to get certified (I did not decide to be a teacher until after I graduated college). My Master's is in special education, so (for a reason incomprehensible to me) you do not focus on any particular content area. I will have to take courses and tests outside of my Master's to get certified in science. I am considering Chemistry because it is my favorite science, and Biology because I have taught it before. (I like Earth Science as well, but I feel like it's probably not as marketable.) I suppose I could also get certified to teach math to be more competitive, though I would highly prefer to teach science.

I think where I went to college does matter considering it is currently ranked #4 in the US News and World Report (http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandrevie ... iversities). Not that I personally care about that crap, but I imagine private schools that tout their "elite" status would. UChicago is currently ranked higher than Stanford, UPenn, MIT, Caltech, Dartmouth, Brown, and Cornell. Maybe you need to update your knowledge of the top universities in the US PsyGuy ;)

Thanks again for the help and suggestions!
by NYCteacher
Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:43 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Should I apply? When?
Replies: 21
Views: 23427

Does anyone have any tips or comments on what type of jobs I would be most qualified for?

Should I try for 2014-2015 school year? Or wait longer?

Thank you! :D
by NYCteacher
Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:01 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Should I apply? When?
Replies: 21
Views: 23427

Should I apply? When?

Hi everyone,

I've been thinking about moving abroad since I was in college, and now, as a teacher, I can't stop thinking about teaching abroad. Right now, I am just trying to gauge what my plan should be and what my chances are.

At the earliest, I would apply for jobs for fall 2014. Here are my qualifications for that time frame:

- 3 years teaching experience (in a Title 1 school in NYC)
- Graduated with honors from the University of Chicago (degrees in environmental studies and philosophy)
- MS in Education
- Alternatively certified through the NYC Teaching Fellows
- Certified in secondary Special Education (currently) and plan to get certified in chemistry or biology in the upcoming year
- Have taught: biology, earth science, physics, a field science course, humanities, English, SETSS in pre-calculus
- College Board Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Coordinator
- Assist with girls soccer team; started a philosophy club
- Studied/lived in Vienna for 3 months during college
- No spouse or dependents

Any ideas of my chances for 2014 or ways to improve my resume would be very much appreciated!